not sure, who the questioned was addressed to, but anyway: there are
unpleasant problems with EmbeddedId:
- Errai marshaller has to accept marshalling of the embedded
objects, but they are not unconditionally available, maybe has to be
handled by (e.g. Entities in external jars)
- they cannot be used as @PageState objects, the IDs are the
"identifiers" in my Edit pages and transitions
- they do not by default implement Comparable, so selecting/sorting
in the CellTable etc. cannot be easily done
This all refers to EmbeddedId of course, not Embedded in general, but a
clean and simple solution would be interesting. (Currently I thought of
transporting them as serialized object, as primary key they are
immutable anyway.) My implementation of Errai scaffold is still too
simple to make handling of embedded objects manageable.
Am 22.02.2013 22:26, schrieb Richard Kennard:
Can you elaborate on what you need the scaffold to do?
As a happy accident, Metawidget implicitly 'supports' embeddable simply by way of
rendering a nested object in the UI. But I assume the generated JPA/Java
code will need to treat them a little differently?
On 23/02/2013 3:44 AM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
> The scaffold supports these now? I was unaware of that. When did that happen?
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Thomas Frühbeck <fruehbeck(a)
<>> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> great to have you on board :-)
> The faces scaffold is found at:
> Everything starts there:
> If you wander, how it gets started:
> The evaluation step is here:
> The building is done here:
> Hope it helps, wish you the best :-)
> I'm struggling on a similar problem with errai scaffold, and decided to dump
it for now. I am really looking forward to find a good solution in your's!
> Regards,
> Thomas
> Am 22.02.2013 11:42, schrieb Michael Koitz:
>> hi,
>> i just made an feature request for
my issue. As i am a Java Developer myself and i like idea behind the
>> forge project, i would like to contribute.
>> Can someone give me a starting point where i find the scaffolding for faces
in the code?
>> best, mike.
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