Ok, sounds good, I'll work locally with html I grab from the link you sent. When
it's ready I'll send the twitter bootstrap files back your way with the styles
So you want to keep the Forge logo as the main logo, correct? I assume the Forge logo
would be replaced when a user builds an app for their own purposes?
Cheyenne Weaver
JBoss Community UI & Design
[ AIM: jcheyennew ]
On May 7, 2012, at 3:11 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
Hey Cheyenne,
Awesome! I saw your message on JIRA last night, sorry I missed it earlier.
Forge isn't actually an app that can be hosted. You would need to download it,
install it on your computer, and use it to generate an application. Forge generates web
applications :) You can find instructions here, if you'd like to do that:
Then you can build an app using this tutorial:
That's why I sent you the link to the mockup application, so you could see the output
without actually installing and using Forge itself (unless somehow it never made it to
you, in which case my fault!)
Here is the link again just in case:
This is the output of Forge, which is where the new theme would be utilized. If we can
get a nice design for the application, including the data-tables, menus, and selectors
that show up in the sub-pages (these can vary depending on what a user is generating,) and
we use the bootstrap framework to allow easy updates and changes in the future, then I
think we are all set!
But it's important that we get the Forge brand and logo integrated into the bootstrap
theme either way.
If you get the theme looking great, we'll make sure it gets in there and actually
works great when users create apps :)
Sound good? Thoughts?
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Cheyenne Weaver <cweaver(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Hey Lincoln,
does it make sense to try and host Forge somewhere to work on it, or would it be simpler
just to grab key screens from the demo app html and style them locally?
Hey Rysiek,
Lincoln is looking for some help to implement Twitter's bootstrap framework for
styling Forge apps:
Would it make sense to deploy Forge somewhere on staging to work on the demo app?
Otherwise, I could just grab key screens of html and work on it locally, but I might miss
some elements that way.
Would it even be possible host the app somewhere? I'm not sure what all goes into it
Cheyenne Weaver
JBoss Community UI & Design
[ AIM: jcheyennew ]
On May 2, 2012, at 1:24 AM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
> Hey Cheyenne!
> Awesome!
> We would like to implement this using the Twitter Bootstrap framework, since it
provides most of the groundwork that people will need to be productive developing an
application. (We linked an issue to the related Forge issue
> We don't really have a staging environment, and the template we are currently
using is completely open for change. I can show you what is currently generated by Forge,
however, and we can go from there.
> Check out this app:
> ~Lincoln
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Cheyenne Weaver <cweaver(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> Hey Lincoln,
> I'll be working on
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/DESIGN-233. I have a little
time this week to work on it so I wanted to get the ball rolling so I can focus on it next
> Do you have a staging environment for Forge I could tap into, or perhaps some key
static html pages I could design the css around locally?
> Cheyenne Weaver
> JBoss Community UI & Design
> [ AIM: jcheyennew ]
> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> "Simpler is better."
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."