I'm also experiencing linkage errors which wasn't the case with the beta
I have some code that uses the google guava stuff. And now I have to
remove the scope provided in order to have the plugin installed
I also see that the up- and down-key don't scroll through the history
anymore (or was that my imagination that it used to do that)
version: CR1, OS : Windows (yes one of the die-hard's ;) )
On 14 February 2012 16:09, Ryan Bradley <rbradley(a)> wrote:
Lincoln, frankly, I'm stumped by this one. I never received a
LoaderConstraintViolation or anything similar. My issue was with the
seam-render not being added as a module to the plugin, since it was already
included with the Forge core. However, that issue has since been resolved.
Thomas, I'm not sure of the cause of your exception, as including
seam-render and MVEL as dependencies solved the problem for me. If I
understand your most recent e-mail correctly, your problem is solved if
MVEL is manually added to module.xml? MVEL is not required for my
ScaffoldProvider implementation, so maybe you are experiencing a similar
On 02/13/2012 07:15 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
Ryan, how did you get around this?
Thomas, perhaps you could try including seam-render instead of MVEL? Make
sure you use the same version that Forge Shell uses as a temporary
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Thomas Frühbeck <fruehbeck(a)>wrote:
> Hi Ryan, Lincoln
> > I ran into similar problems with my own plugin development. Including
> > MVEL as a Maven dependency in your pom.xml should resolve this issue.
> this is exactly what I have tried to do. This will really look ugly :/
> I will write it as clear as possible:
> in pom.xml I added:
> <dependency>
> <groupId>org.mvel</groupId>
> <artifactId>mvel2</artifactId>
> <scope>compile</scope>
> </dependency>
> On forge install-plugin ~/blabla/ I get:
> ***SUCCESS*** Installed from [plugin-faces-idaware] successfully.
> Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware
> Wrote
> Wrote
> Wrote
> Wrote
> /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/dependencies
> Wrote
> Wrote
> Wrote
> Wrote
> So to me it is clear, that I was successful, integration of Mvel
> libraries is done.
> But when I invoke my plugin, I get _a LoaderConstraintViolation_!!
> [myidaware] myidaware $ set VERBOSE true
> [myidaware] myidaware $ scaffold from-entity at.tfr.test.model.*
> --scaffoldType idaware
> Use which scaffold provider?
> 1 - [idaware]
> 2 - [faces]*
> ? Choose an option by typing the number of the selection [*-default]
> [0] 1
> ***ERROR*** [scaffold from-entity] loader constraint violation: loader
> (instance of org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) previously initiated
> loading for a different type with name
> "org/mvel2/templates/CompiledTemplate"
> loader
> constraint violation: loader (instance of
> org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) previously initiated loading for a
> different type with name "org/mvel2/templates/CompiledTemplate"
> Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader
> (instance of org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) previously initiated
> loading for a different type with name
> "org/mvel2/templates/CompiledTemplate"
> So for me it is evident, that I brought my own Mvel jar, but the module
> loader will not let me use it!
> Regards,
> Thomas
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Lincoln Baxter, III
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