Hi George,
Every method except getLiteralValue() returns null.
I'm not sure imports can help. If import is on package level there is no
way to find which package is the right one.
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 10:53 PM, George Gastaldi <ggastald(a)redhat.com>
Hi Doychin,
What happens if you call idClassAnotation.getClassValue() ? Maybe you can
iterate through the imports to find out the class name and load it using
the ClassLoaderFacet ?
Best Regards,
George Gastaldi
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Doychin Bondzhev <doychin(a)gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I'm continuing to try to solve the problem with IdClass annotation.
> The problem is that when I get value of annotation with this code:
> AnnotationSource<JavaClassSource> idClassAnotation = entityClass
> .getAnnotation(IdClass.class);
> String valueClassName = idClassAnotation.getLiteralValue();
> I get "className.class". There is no info about package.
> Also Class Loader facet has no access to classes defined in the project.
> Only to external classes. At least I was not able to load for example
> Entity class.
> If I had access to entity class from class loader I can get annotation
> from class definition and get it's value.
> Also I need to test primary key class that it implements
> java.io.Serializable.
> Any suggestion where to look for sample how to solve all the problems
> mentioned above?
> thanks in advance.
> --
> Doychin Bondzhev
> dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd.
> PowerPro - billing & provisioning solution for Service providers
> PowerStor - Warehouse & POS
> Mobile: +359888243116
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