Hey Rafael, welcome!
I'm going to beat Richard to this one and ask whether you've looked at
building on MetaWidget [0] as an alternative to composite components to
accomplish the goals of XSeam.
I've ventured down a similar path of XSeam at one point, inspired by the
very same article. The composite components have improved considerably
since then and likely a solution today would be considerably simpler and
likely better performing.
However, at some point you find yourself having to do a lot of logic in
these generic components and that's something which is probably better done
in Java. Of course, JSF supports building up components dynamically in Java
and the Seam Faces code has an example of a hybrid composite component and
Java component.
What MetaWidget gives you is the ability to go entirely over to the
generation (at runtime) of a component assembled entirely in Java based on,
you guessed it, model metadata. Like your x:inputText component, you don't
have to maintain any extra code in the application itself. It's really a
nice foundation for doing exactly what you are talking about. What I hope
to encourage you to do is put your minds together and perhaps decide if
MetaWidget provides what you need or you want to extend MetaWidget to take
it a step further.
To address your other question, we are absolutely interested in a security
plugin for Forge. I had hoped to put together a plugin to setup Apache
Shiro in a Java EE 6 project, since it's so drop-dead simple [1] [2]. You
may also be interested in taking it a step up and doing a plugin for the
DeltaSpike security integration under active development [3]. With some
creativity, you might be able to have a generic plugin that let's you
choose your security framework and it will install the necessary
configuration bits based on your choice. But we're excited to see what you
invent :)
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Rafael Benevides <rafabene(a)gmail.com>wrote:
Hi people,
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Rafael Benevides and I started to use JBoss Forge when it was
called Seam Forge. I started to use Forge as a way to extend Seam Projects
and adds custom components and libraries.
One of the features that brings more productivity to Seam projects is the
Facelets Compositions. Based on the "Facelets fits JSF like glove", I (and
some friends) started to write some custom components so instead of write:
<h:outputLabel value="Label" for="input" />
<h:inputText id="input" value="#{myBackingBean.property}"
<f:convertNumber />
<f:validateLength minimum="1" maximum="10"/>
<a4j:support event="onblur" reRender="input"/>
<h:message for="input" />
We could write only: <x:inputText label="Nome:"
value="#{myBackingBean.property}" name="nome"
With this in mind, I started a project called XSeam (focused in Seam 2.x)
- I think that Pete heard about it when he came to Brasil and Edgar(Red
Hat) talked about - the whole idea could be saw at this 15 min screencast -
I would like to known what do you think about this concept of XSeam? I am
asking that, because last year I started to port XSeam (
https://github.com/rafabene/XSeam2 ) as plugin to JBoss Forge (
https://github.com/rafabene/XSeam3 ) . This project is in initial state
and I have no time to dedicate to it.
Anyway it was a great opportunity to see the big potentials of Forge.
With the advent of Java EE 6 and other JBoss productsI I hope to be
closest enough to help in other plugins like a Picketlink integration (for
Please, feel free to post any comments about the idea of having a plugin
(maybe a scaffold provider) similar to XSeam and also about the plan of a
PicketLink integration plugin?
Thank you all
Rafael Benevides
forge-dev mailing list
Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597