No problem at all. At this time, you still need to place
*your-plugin.jar*file and all necessary maven dependencies into the
*$FORGE_HOME/lib* directory. This is something we are working on addressing
as we speak.
PS. forge-users(a) list has been requested and is being set up,
but not active yet.
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 3:21 PM, marijan milicevic
sorry, I see this is a dev list, is there a user list where I can ask
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 9:12 PM, marijan milicevic <
m.milicevic(a)> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've created a simple project/plugin and installed it (mvn install)
> however, I am not sure how to invoke it.
> Right now, I have it as a compile depenedency within my own assembly
> project and I can see that my project jar is included into classpath.
> Running "list-commands --all" doesn't reveal my plugin.
> What are the steps to run / register your own plugins, facets etc.?
> thx,
> /m
> PS: forge project looks really promising ;-)
forge-dev mailing list
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"