On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 07:05:16PM +0200, Sebastien Blanc wrote:
On 05/13/2013 06:56 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>> as Vineet said, it's a specific config file to set specific "flags"
>> options for the aerogear scaffolding. I'm using this to not break the
>> current Scaffold API, in the future, Aerogear may become a plugin on its
>> own and some of the config will be mirgrated to command line options.
>> I'm trying to upload right now with a higher res, hope it will be more
>> watchable. Otherwise, I'm planning to a new one, with voice over and
>> also showing the push to cloud option.
>> Sebi
> Okey - any reason why it can't use forge preferences for this ?
> and if it needs to be external file shouldn't we name it something more specific
> than config.yml ? maybe forgescaffold.yml (assuming its not aerogear specific)
> /max
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Hi Max,
Well the main reason right now it's to be able to use JSON instead of
XML. BTW, it's not a .yml extension but just a classic .json extension.
afaik forge uses json...at least thats what I thought it did ;)
The config file is very specific to AeroGear (and the project itself)
I assume it is for the project itself since it is in the project - but
afaik forge config also has a project scope that stores in the project (Lincoln,
correct me if i'm wrong on that)
and might be used in the future for JS based tooling (Yeoman
etc ...) where JSON is more appropriate.
Sure - but it would just be nice we:
A) don't use such generic names as config.yml - maybe aerogear-scaffold.yml(?)
B) consider not having multiple .yml files for something that is more or less
specfiic/limited to forge plugins (thus forge.yml might be better?)
I could take a look if Forge Preferences API offers the same
as the current JSONConfig object file I'm using right now.
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