On 4 Oct 2012, at 04:39, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> So I just started working on EAP support.
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGEPLUGINS-88 opened!
Oh I was wondering why EAP wasn't supported.
Didn't realize the forge openshift install was jboss specific.
Yeah, I didn't support any more cartridges than just JBoss, as the focus for Forge is
definitely on Java / Java EE projects!
One item I got is that we check if the projects setup by JBoss Tools, openshift client
and OpenShift Forge client are compatible or can be made compatible.
i.e. forge *always* uses "openshift" as the remote afaik - openshift client
always create projects where the remote is in "origin" - as a consequence jboss
added support for naming the remote used so you could align them.
+1 - Rafael can definitely check this one :-)
If openshift could allow naming the remote or pick up the existing remote pointing to
openshift these things could be aligned.
>>> Pete and Lincoln talked about some of them in JavaOne here are some:
>>> * support for embedding cartridges
>>> * support for eap
>>> * tail files
all of the above is available for use from the new openshift client.
+1 I think the main problem is that we need to update the UI!
>>> I also got those:
>>> * setup when openshift application exists
>>> * snapshot management ?
>>> * key management ?
>>> * alias management
>>> * enable scaling on create app ?
>>> * Use alternate openshift config file
whats this one ?
>>> * config port forward ?
we got this in jbosstools - for forge I guess it requires running a jsch port forward (or
launch ssh native in separate process) ?