Great to hear from you.
The bad news is that org.metawidget.statically.faces.component.html.StaticHtmlMetawidget
is a little bit Faces specific (adds Faces value expressions and
so forth).
However the good news is you can drop down an inheritance level and extend
StaticXmlMetawidget. This is not Faces specific, and was designed to be used for
such things as Spring. In addition, you'll need to write your own WidgetBuilder (to
return Spring components) and Layout (to arrange them). Maybe some
little WidgetProcessors too.
I would encourage you to look at the existing static JSF implementation, as well as the
existing runtime Spring implementation
(org.metawidget.jsp.tagext.html.spring.SpringTag). And I am very willing to help with any
questions you may have.
On 8/12/2011 8:07 AM, Ryan Bradley wrote:
Hey all,
I'm developing a Spring MVC plugin for Forge that will generate a basic
web application from an entity, much like the current Scaffold plugin
(except using Spring MVC). Currently, I am working on creating JSP
views for listing all entities in the database, viewing a single entity,
as well as a create view. I see that ScaffoldPlugin uses a
StaticHtmlMetawidget (as well as MVEL, I believe, in the .xhtml files)
to configure and generate displays.
I am wondering if this class can be used for JSP as well, or if its
implementation is specific to JSF. If it cannot be used, is there
another, similar Metawidget class that can be used?
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