If you want to do a Proof of Concept showing how we can use the Errai code
generation, I'd gladly consider it.
However, the decision to wrap the Eclipse API comes with several benefits,
not the least of which is basically free upgrades as the Java language
specification continues to evolve :)
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Ivan St. Ivanov
Hi everyone,
Today at the meeting I asked whether we could use the Errai code
generation APIs and not the ones from Eclipse. The reason for that was not
that I am an Eclipse API hater (which I am ;-)), but because I hope that
with Errai we will be able to solve problems more easily (it's a JBoss
project and you know each other ;-)). By problems that we may need to be
solved, I mean something like the discussion in this thread:
Lincoln mentioned on the meeting that the purpose of the Errai API is
different. However, I didn't get it. Why can't we use it instead of JDT?
BTW, the JavaClassTest keeps failing on my Windows machine and Forge
produces awfully formatted entities on this OS. :-(
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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"