Esteve Aviles edited comment on SEAMFORGE-209 at 6/10/11 4:43 AM:
The problem still persists with the version you provided:
[forge-test] Customer.java $ scaffold from-entity
? No scaffold type was selected, use default (Metawidget & JSF)? [Y/n] Y
? Scaffold provider [metawidget] is not installed. Install it? [Y/n] Y
***ERROR*** [scaffold from-entity] promptChoice() Cannot ask user to select from a list of
nothing. Ensure you have values in your options list.
I am behind a proxy. Maybe it needs to be configured.
was (Author: esteve):
The problem still persists with the version you provided:
[forge-test] Customer.java $ scaffold from-entity
? No scaffold type was selected, use default (Metawidget & JSF)? [Y/n] Y
? Scaffold provider [metawidget] is not installed. Install it? [Y/n] Y
***ERROR*** [scaffold from-entity] promptChoice() Cannot ask user to select from a list of
nothing. Ensure you have values in your options list.
I am behind a firewall. Maybe it needs to be configured.
***ERROR*** [scaffold from-entity] promptChoice() Cannot ask user to
select from a list of nothing. Ensure you have values in your options list.
Project: Seam Forge
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Shell
Affects Versions: 1.0.0.Alpha3
Environment: Windows 7 32 bit
Jdk 6.0
Reporter: Esteve Aviles
Labels: from-entity, scaffold
I get this error while trying:
[forge-test] Customer2.java $ scaffold from-entity
No scaffold type was provided, use Forge default? [Y/n] y
***ERROR*** [scaffold from-entity] promptChoice() Cannot ask user to select from a list
of nothing. Ensure you have values in your options list.
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