On 2012-03-14, at 10:32 AM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
In order to keep Plugin versioning sane, we should discuss the actual
rules of our versioning strategy. From our meeting today, we discussed the following
possible initial rules:
Using OSGI versioning system
Plugins referencing older forge API should run on newer Forge versions within the same N
release for a version number N.x.x
Plugins referencing newer forge API should not run on older Forge versions within the
same N release for a version number N.x.x
I also think this should incorporate the
concept of 'binary compatibility' somehow - i.e. *running* on a given Forge
version vs *building* against a given Forge version. Rules can be more lax in the latter
case (some things may not build from scratch in face of API changes, but already built
versions may work.
Thoughts? Would someone care to explain the OSGI versioning system?
It's a form of Major.Minor.Micro.Qualifier - with qualifiers sorted
Re: compatibility/versioning, I think that another set of rule you may want to take into
account is:
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"
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