[JBoss JIRA] Created: (SWITCHYARD-299) Invalid module dependencies for FreeMarker
by Jiri Pechanec (JIRA)
Invalid module dependencies for FreeMarker
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-299
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Bug
Components: distribution
Affects Versions: 0.1
Environment: JBoss AS 7
Reporter: Jiri Pechanec
I tried to use a FreeMarker template for a transformation.
The application refused to deploy with exception
Caused by: org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoadError: Module freemaker:main is not found
at org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoadException.toError(ModuleLoadException.java:78) [jboss-modules.jar:1.0.0.Beta17]
at org.jboss.modules.Module.getPaths(Module.java:944) [jboss-modules.jar:1.0.0.Beta17]
Snippets of config files
<trfm:transform.smooks xmlns:trfm="urn:switchyard-config:transform:1.0" config="/smooks/Service.xml" from="{http://swi.org/}echoTwoWay" to="java:java.lang.String" type="SMOOKS"/>
<core:namespace prefix="swi" uri="http://swi.org/"/>
<core:result type="org.milyn.payload.StringResult"/>
<ftl:freemarker applyOnElement="swi:echoTwoWay">
<ftl:template><!-- Fixed output --></ftl:template>
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13 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (SWITCHYARD-298) Reference to SOAP service is not properly bound
by Jiri Pechanec (JIRA)
Reference to SOAP service is not properly bound
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-298
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Bug
Components: component-soap
Affects Versions: 0.1
Environment: JBoss AS 7
Reporter: Jiri Pechanec
Priority: Critical
See attached example.
It contains multiple services - one is defined serve as a web service provider (ErrorService), another ProxyService as a web service consumer. The ProxyService uses a Reference to SOAP endpoint. Unfortunately when I try to invoke it I get an exception
07:43:40,652 INFO [org.switchyard.component.soap.InboundHandler] (MSC service thread 1-13) WebService published at
07:43:47,513 INFO [stdout] (Thread-27) Going through proxy
07:43:47,516 ERROR [stderr] (Thread-27) java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
07:43:47,517 ERROR [stderr] (Thread-27) at $Proxy25.echoTwoWay(Unknown Source)
07:43:47,533 ERROR [stderr] (Thread-27) Caused by: org.switchyard.component.bean.BeanComponentException: Bean Component invocation failure. Operation 'echoTwoWay' is not defined on Service 'RemoteService'.
07:43:47,533 ERROR [stderr] (Thread-27) at org.switchyard.component.bean.ClientProxyBean$ClientProxyInvocationHandler.createExchange(ClientProxyBean.java:337)
07:43:47,533 ERROR [stderr] (Thread-27) at org.switchyard.component.bean.ClientProxyBean$ClientProxyInvocationHandler.invoke(ClientProxyBean.java:290)
07:43:47,533 ERROR [stderr] (Thread-27) ... 53 more
With debugger I identified that the Reference is registered as a base service, not WSDL service
Thread-27[1] dump service.getInterface()
service.getInterface() = {
org.switchyard.metadata.BaseService._type: "esb"
org.switchyard.metadata.BaseService._operations: instance of java.util.HashSet(id=6565)
Thread-27[1] dump service.getInterface().getOperations()
service.getInterface().getOperations() = {
serialVersionUID: -5024744406713321676
map: instance of java.util.HashMap(id=6567)
PRESENT: instance of java.lang.Object(id=6568)
Thread-27[1] print service.getInterface().getOperations()
service.getInterface().getOperations() = "[process{IN_OUT}]"
It seems that org/switchyard/extensions/wsdl/WSDLService requires WSDL port name to be set in the URI but I have not found any case in the code when the port is set If it is expected that this is set in wsdl element of binding then it will break reading of file-based wsdl.
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For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
13 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (SWITCHYARD-296) NPE when promoted service name is different from the service name itself
by Jiri Pechanec (JIRA)
NPE when promoted service name is different from the service name itself
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-296
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Bug
Components: core
Affects Versions: 0.1
Reporter: Jiri Pechanec
See the snippet of the configuration
<service name="ErrorService1" promote="ErrorService">
<binding.soap xmlns="urn:switchyard-component-soap:config:1.0">
<component name="ErrorService">
<service name="ErrorService">
<interface.java interface="org.swi.ErrorService"/>
<implementation.bean xmlns="urn:switchyard-component-bean:config:1.0" class="org.swi.ErrorServiceBean"/>
Such configuration throws NPE - the only reason is that the gateway is named ServiceName1. It seems that promote attribute is not taken into consideration.
If if this not a correct configuration then an error should be reported instead of NPE
12:46:11,968 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (MSC service thread 1-4) MSC00001: Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."errhandling.jar".SwitchYardService: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.unit."errhandling.jar".SwitchYardService: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.switchyard.as7.extension.services.SwitchYardService.start(SwitchYardService.java:75)
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For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
13 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (SWITCHYARD-295) NPE during exception processing with SOAP gateway
by Jiri Pechanec (JIRA)
NPE during exception processing with SOAP gateway
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-295
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Bug
Components: component-soap
Affects Versions: 0.1
Reporter: Jiri Pechanec
If either checked or unchecked exception is thrown in the service then it is converted into fault to be served back by SOAP Gateway.
If there is no message inside the exception like throw new IllegalArgumentException() then there is a NPE thrown during the exception processing
12:34:29,612 WARNING [org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain] (Thread-25) Application {http://swi.org/}ErrorServiceService#{http://swi.org/}echoTwoWay has thrown exception, unwinding now: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Unable to recover from fault on
at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.createFault(AbstractInvoker.java:155) [cxf-rt-core-2.3.3-patch-01.jar:2.3.3-patch-01]
at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.AbstractJAXWSMethodInvoker.createFault(AbstractJAXWSMethodInvoker.java:86) [cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws-2.3.3-patch-01.jar:2.3.3-patch-01]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.impl.ElementImpl.addTextNode(ElementImpl.java:474) [saaj-impl-1.3.2.jar:1.3.2]
at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Fault1_1Impl.setFaultString(Fault1_1Impl.java:189) [saaj-impl-1.3.2.jar:1.3.2]
at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.impl.BodyImpl.addFault(BodyImpl.java:152) [saaj-impl-1.3.2.jar:1.3.2]
at org.switchyard.component.soap.util.SOAPUtil.generateFault(SOAPUtil.java:117) [switchyard-component-soap-0.1.0.jar:0.1.0]
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For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
13 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (SWITCHYARD-290) Bottom-up web service development should be much easier
by Jiri Pechanec (JIRA)
Bottom-up web service development should be much easier
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-290
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: component-soap, tooling
Reporter: Jiri Pechanec
In many case we do not need a hand-tailored WSDL for an exposed bean service as plain bottom-up development applies.
SwitchYard should provide an easy support for such scenario. There are two ways how to do it
- wsdl should be optional, if not provided then it is automatically generated from a service interface (JAX-WS way)
- forge soap-binding bind-service should ask user if wsdl should be generated and if yes then it will create it from service interface (it can be implemented as adding a @WebService annotation to the service interface and executing WSProvideTask
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For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
13 years, 6 months