[JBoss JIRA] (SWITCHYARD-759) Reflect Camel endpoint hierarchy in Switchyard configuration binding
by Łukasz Dywicki (JIRA)
Łukasz Dywicki created SWITCHYARD-759:
Summary: Reflect Camel endpoint hierarchy in Switchyard configuration binding
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-759
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Sub-task
Components: component-camel
Reporter: Łukasz Dywicki
Assignee: Łukasz Dywicki
Components already implemented in Switchyard do not follow class hierarchy from Camel. For example atom endpoint is schedule based, just like file/ftp/sftp and so on. They have following properties in common (bolder will be supported):
* *startScheduler*
* *initialDelay*
* *delay*
* *timeUnit*
* *useFixedDelay*
* *pollStrategy*
* runLoggingLevel
* sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle
File and Ftp have following in common (bolder will be supported):
* *localWorkDirectory*
* *autoCreate*
* startingDirectoryMustExist
* *directoryMustExist*
* *bufferSize*
* fileExist
* *noop*
* *recursive*
* *delete*
* *flatten*
* *maxMessagesPerPoll*
* eagerMaxMessagesPerPoll
* *maxDepth*
* *minDepth*
* tempPrefix
* tempFileName
* eagerDeleteTargetFile
* *include*
* *exclude*
* *charset*
* *fileName*
* *move*
* *moveFailed*
* *preMove*
* *idempotent*
* *idempotentRepository*
* *filter*
* *antFilter*
* sorter
* sortBy
* readLock
* readLockCheckInterval
* readLockTimeout
* exclusiveReadLockStrategy
* *keepLastModified*
* doneFileName
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12 years, 8 months
[JBoss JIRA] (SWITCHYARD-756) Setting HandlerChain in SwitchYard configuration
by Ivo Bek (JIRA)
Ivo Bek created SWITCHYARD-756:
Summary: Setting HandlerChain in SwitchYard configuration
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-756
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: configuration
Reporter: Ivo Bek
It would be great to set a handler chain even for the components like BPEL because AFAIK we can only put the @javax.jws.HandlerChain annotation on a class (web service) now.
For example I need it to set the com.arjuna.mw.wst11.service.JaxWSHeaderContextProcessor handler for a BPEL process because otherwise when I call a proxy object calling BPEL process within distributed transaction (e.g. with WS-AtomicTransaction spec.) which puts coordination context into SOAP header with mustUnderstand attribute it will throw following exception:
[org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain] (pool-10-thread-1) Interceptor for {http://www.jboss.org/bpel/examples}BusinessTravelService#{http://www.jboss.org/bpel/examples}order has thrown exception, unwinding now: org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: MustUnderstand headers: [{http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-tx/wscoor/2006/06}CoordinationContext] are not understood.
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12 years, 8 months
[JBoss JIRA] (SWITCHYARD-755) [EMF Models] Need to scrub the models top to bottom to pick up any recent changes
by Brian Fitzpatrick (JIRA)
Brian Fitzpatrick created SWITCHYARD-755:
Summary: [EMF Models] Need to scrub the models top to bottom to pick up any recent changes
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-755
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Task
Components: tooling
Affects Versions: 0.5
Reporter: Brian Fitzpatrick
Assignee: Rob Cernich
Fix For: 0.5
As discussed on the #switchyard IRC channel, we need to scrub the model to make sure things jive between what's expected by the XSD and what's actually in the model.
(11:40:34 AM) rcernich: kcbabo, bfitzpat: we probably need to do a thorough scrubbing of the emf model to verify that it matches the config model classes
(11:41:35 AM) rcernich: kcbabo, bfitzpat: unit tests would probably be good for this stuff. i'll see if i can do something similar to the m2e tests (i.e. download the generated switchyard.xml files and make sure they can be read by the emf model, without error)
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12 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] (SWITCHYARD-749) context property for message name is MESSAGE_NAME
by Keith Babo (JIRA)
Keith Babo created SWITCHYARD-749:
Summary: context property for message name is MESSAGE_NAME
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWITCHYARD-749
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Bug
Components: core
Affects Versions: 0.4
Reporter: Keith Babo
Fix For: 0.5
While viewing a message trace, I noticed we are using "MESSAGE_NAME" instead of "org.switchyard.messageName" as the context property name. Change this.
Message Context ->
org.switchyard.transform.TransformSequence : org.switchyard.transform.TransformSequence@1dcdeed
org.switchyard.contentType : {http://example.org/foo}Type1
breadcrumbId : ID-KEITHs-MacBook-Pro-local-62026-1335914945508-4-1
MESSAGE_NAME : RequestMessage
org.switchyard.messageId : 148740d4-f8e9-4e8b-aba1-670c4b948461
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12 years, 9 months