I remember that in older versions of JBoss there always was a (proprietary)
API to explicitly clear the authentication cache. Maybe this could be of
help here if that API is still there.
An other option would be to try using the Java EE standard API for custom
authentication modules. This is called JASPIC and WildFly has excellent
support for those. Support is best in the latest version of WildFly, which
is 10cr5.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms
On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Sony Abraham <sony.abraham(a)ibsplc.com>
I am trying to port our existing application (in weblogic) to Jboss
Our application supports multiple logins under same user id but each
logins need to be treated in different security context. For this we invoke
the login modules by invoking j_security_check for each logins attempts. We
use a custome Jaas login module from where the subject is created with a
unique user token and set as name of the Principal after successful login.
But when using wildfly, the login module is invoked only the first time and
for the subsequent login attempts, the user subject is looked up from the
domain cache inside JBossCachedAuthenticationManager.
Further debugging into the issue i noticed below
1. After jaas login completes, the
org.wildfly.extension.undertow.security.AccountImpl in exchange of
ServletRequest gets updated with the new Principal (token set during jaas
login) and the OriginalPrincipal remains the same as the user id. This is
fine as expected (I hope).
AccountImpl account, final Object credential) uses the OriginalPrincipal to
send to authenticationManager for validation. Since this is not updated, it
will always be the original user id. Below source code from jboss.as uses
account.getPrincipal() for getting the incomingPrincipal. But this is
now changed to getOriginalPrincipal. I think this should be the
principal (not the OriginalPrincipal).
3. org.jboss.security.authentication.JBossCachedAuthenticationManager
caches the subject info against the OriginalPrincipal. Therefor it always
returns from the cache after the first successful authentication for a user
id and JAAS login module is never invoked after that. Shouldn't the caching
happen against the authenticated principal set in the subject
Can anyone please let me know whether this behavior change is possible ?
Or is there any way I can configure custom class for
org.wildfly.extension.undertow.security.JAASIdentityManagerImpl and
org.jboss.security.authentication.JBossCachedAuthenticationManager in
wildfly 9.0.2.
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