Errai marshalling + enum collections
by Eric Wittmann
Does the marshalling framework support collections of Enums? I have an
@Portable bean like this:
public class RoleBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -646534082583069712L;
private String id;
private String name;
private Set<PermissionType> permissions;
Where PermissionType is a very simple java enum. It *used* to be a
Set<String> which of course worked fine. But I recently changed it and
now the errai marshaller is having fits. I'm using Errai's jax-rs
support and the remote REST endpoint returns plain jackson style JSON,
so there are no type hints.
The generated marshaller includes this code:
if ((obj.containsKey("permissions")) &&
(!obj.get("permissions").isNull())) {
entity.setPermissions(java_util_Set.demarshall(obj.get("permissions"), a1));
But when it gets into AbstractCollectionMarshaller I think the assumed
element type is only used for beans, not for enums.
10 years, 3 months