Help about errai ???
by Ing. Sandy Noa Cabrera
Hi everyone, I'm a new java developer and I've read some articles about "Errai and Message-Oriented Programming". But what's my situation, well let see: from some weeks ago I began to design my presentation layer (of my Web project) using GWT (and some GXT widgets) and now I need to integrate that with JBoss Seam 3, according the community they made a component named Errai which make possible integrate Seam with GWT. I have downloaded:
- JBossAS 6 (.zip)
- JBossTools 3.2 (.zip)
- Seam 3
* catch 3.0
* config 3.0
* faces 3.0
* international 3.0
* jms-distribution 3.0
* persistence 3.0
* remoting 3.0
* rest 3.0
* servlet 3.0
* solder 3.0
and now I want to work with my Eclipse (Helios 3.6.1) integrating all this. I've read from the Internet for many days and I couldn't find a complete guide step by step for make a better life to developers.
If somebody could help me, please I'll be waiting your response.
Thanks a lot...