On 2013-03-08, at 11:16 AM, Eric Wittmann wrote:
Do you guys have any docs or examples illustrating which of the
of JARs in Errai (and transitives) need to be included in the WAR when
packaging for JBoss 7? I'd like to slim down the WAR if I can - for
example: which of the Errai JARs are client-side only?
Yes, all of our demos and archetypes include a profile for building an AS7-deployable .war
file (the profile also works for EAP6 and OpenShift). You can just build like this:
% mvn package -Pjboss7
If you're rolling your own pom.xml (or not using Maven for your project), the best way
to glean this information would be to create a project from one of our archetypes, then
use `mvn dependency:tree -Pjboss7` to see what's marked as "provided" rather
than "compile."
Having said all this, we've been brainstorming better ways to organize all of this:
the demos, the archetypes, and the dependency scopes for different deployment scenarios.
So far, we have more questions than answers. If you (or anyone else) has ideas, let's
discuss it on the mailing list!
Also, when I start up my app in JBoss 7 (on both my Windows and Linux
machines), I get a bunch of exceptions on startup that look like this:
This doesn't happen for all JARs in the WAR. Perhaps only the ones with
an ErraiApp.properties file? Here's the full list of JARs that cause
the exception:
Correct, this will happen for each .jar that has an ErraiApp.properties. The cause is that
Mike recently factored out JBoss 7 support code into its own module that you'll have
to depend on when deploying to AS7/EAP6/OpenShift. The module is
Interestingly, everything seems to still work.
You'll probably find that dynamic marshalling doesn't work properly when you get
those errors at deployment time.
Help on both issues appreciated. :)
Our pleasure!