The results of today's quorum :).
The following demos will be removed in Errai 3:
cdi-stock-demo (add charting to grocerylist)
kitchensink-cordova (already added cordova to grocery list and possibly add it to plain
The archetypes stay in place for now until we have a replacement. We want to delete all of
them and add on ueberarchetype/forge plugin.
On 2013-03-27, at 11:24 AM, Christian Sadilek <csadilek(a)> wrote:
Hi everyone,
We've started an effort to improve our demos in Errai 3. More specifically we want
- have a top level demo directory containing all demos
- make every demo a standalone project
- add documentation and getting started guides
- make sure all demos follow the JDF quickstart guidelines
We currently have 17 different demos and 5 archetypes in Errai! Needless to say that this
is a huge maintenance burden, especially when adding the above requirements. So, I suggest
that we go through these demos and have a quorum on their individual destinies ;). I
expect that most of them will survive, but there are definitely some redundancies. We can
start in tomorrows Errai hangout.
Here's the list of our demos and features they represent:
- AsyncDemo: MessageBuilder, conversational messages, simple client-server interactions
using MessageCallbacks
- StressTest: MessageBuilder, UiBinder, performanc/load testing of Errai Bus.
- ClientService: MessageBuilder, broadcast messages
- HelloWorld: MessageBuilder, conversational messages
- QueryService: RPC using MessageBuilder
- RpcDemo: RPC using Caller<T>
- Serialization: MessageBuilder, conversational messages, Complex type serialization
(@Portable types)
- StockDemo: MessageBuilder, broadcast and conversational messages
- CDI mobile demo: CDI events, broadcasts, Qualifiers, JSNI
- MVP demo: MVP pattern using the client-side bean manager
- Stock Demo: CDI events, JSNI interaction with external JS libraries (charting)
- CDI Stress Test: Performance/Load testing using CDI events
- TagCloud: CDI broadcasts and conversational events. JSNI interacting with jQuery.
- Rest Demo: Errai JAXRS support
- JPA demo basic: Errai JPA basic CRUD demo
- Todo List: Errai UI, Data Binding, client-side CDI, JPA
- Grocery List: CDI, JPA, UI, Data Binding, soon Data Sync, Validation, Twitter
Bootstrap, Maps, GeoFencing,...
- cdi-quickstart: simple hello world using CDI events
- bus-quickstart: simple hello world using MessageBuilder
- jaxrs-quickstart: simple CRUD demo using Caller<T> and JAX-RS endpoints
- kitchensink: CRUD app based on famous JBoss kitchensink, Errai RPC, bean validation,
CDI events
- kitchensink-cordova: same as above but mobile enabled (and support for taking picture)