Re: [forge-dev] rest refactoring
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Hey Paul!
Back from Vaca.
My first thought here is that this is excellent use of the Configuration
API, but I think currently the way this is written, it depends on the
Configuration in order to recognize the fact that there is an application
class serving as a REST activator?
We could use the JavaParser TreeVisiting API that was just introduced, in
order to search project sources and make this determination.
[View More]Thoughts?
On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Paul Bakker <paul.bakker(a)> wrote:
> Hi Lincoln,
> I made some progress on refactoring the rest stuff, plus I added the
> option to use an Application class instead of web.xml. Because it changed
> quite a lot and this is the first time we use the idea of having "nested"
> facets it would probably be good if you review before I merge to master.
> Let me know what you think :-)
> Paul
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"
[View Less]
13 years
Presentation for the JUGs
by Ivan St. Ivanov
Hi everyone,
Now with Forge already final, it's time for us to advertise it to our local
JUGs. I would take the opportunity to talk about it in the Bulgarian JUG
(somewhere in April though :-(). Here is what I plan to show:
1) General rant about Forge: what it is good for and how it differs from
maven archetypes and Spring Roo (no religious stuff, I'm a Spring fan BTW)
2) Developing a Java EE application with scaffolding: here I would show
something more complex than the conference sample app …
[View More]that Lincoln already
presented on the Java2Days conference in Sofia last year. Here I would like
to talk about some of the not so common features of the metawidget
plugin. Any ideas? Of course also some Arquillian and OpenShift.
3) After a short break I would continue with a different type of
application that you could implement with Forge. Looking at the plugins,
maybe it could be the OSGi stuff.
4) Next: developing a plugin. Create a sample plugin, explanation of the
different settings: command, options, usage of the shell prompt, the
environment, the configuration API, etc.
5) Finally: the get involved section
What do you think? Should I add something else or drop anything?
[View Less]
13 years
Errai vs JDT, or?
by Ivan St. Ivanov
Hi everyone,
Today at the meeting I asked whether we could use the Errai code generation
APIs and not the ones from Eclipse. The reason for that was not that I am
an Eclipse API hater (which I am ;-)), but because I hope that with Errai
we will be able to solve problems more easily (it's a JBoss project and you
know each other ;-)). By problems that we may need to be solved, I mean
something like the discussion in this thread:…
[View More]html
Lincoln mentioned on the meeting that the purpose of the Errai API is
different. However, I didn't get it. Why can't we use it instead of JDT?
BTW, the JavaClassTest keeps failing on my Windows machine and Forge
produces awfully formatted entities on this OS. :-(
[View Less]
13 years
Re: [forge-dev] POH5 runtime generation
by Lincoln Baxter, III
>From what I can tell - the Aerogear scaffold is not being picked up as a
ScaffoldProvider, which is odd...
Ryan, have you actually tried running your scaffold provider in a real
forge runtime? Does it get picked up when you run *scaffold setup
--scaffoldType xxxxx *?
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 4:23 PM, Richard Kennard <
richard(a)> wrote:
> Pete: could you try running with VERBOSE set to true?
> Lincoln: could you take a look at this? I …
[View More]actually can't get plugins
> working on my Windows machine (see earlier post), so I've just been
> building via unit tests this whole time (see**
> scaffold-aerogear/blob/master/**src/test/java/org/jboss/forge/**
> scaffold/aerogear/scenario/**employeedatabase/**
> AeroGearScaffoldEmployeeDataba**<>
> ).
> On 29/02/2012 1:19 AM, Pete Muir wrote:
>> Getting there, now get an error running scaffold:
>> ***SUCCESS*** Installed from [git://**
>> scaffold-aerogear.git <>]
>> successfully.
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**aerogear
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**
>> aerogear/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**
>> aerogear/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-**
>> 979983d6-c420-45db-960a-**6a0b37ea8ed1
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**
>> aerogear/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-**
>> 979983d6-c420-45db-960a-**6a0b37ea8ed1/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear.jar
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**
>> aerogear/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-**
>> 979983d6-c420-45db-960a-**6a0b37ea8ed1/module.xml
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**
>> aerogear/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear/dependencies
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**
>> aerogear/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear/dependencies/1.0.0-**
>> SNAPSHOT-979983d6-c420-45db-**960a-6a0b37ea8ed1
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**
>> aerogear/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear/dependencies/1.0.0-**
>> SNAPSHOT-979983d6-c420-45db-**960a-6a0b37ea8ed1/metawidget-**
>> all-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/.forge/plugins/**org/jboss/forge/plugins/**
>> aerogear/plugin-scaffold-**aerogear/dependencies/1.0.0-**
>> SNAPSHOT-979983d6-c420-45db-**960a-6a0b37ea8ed1/module.xml
>> [no project] workspace $ new-project --named test --topLevelPackage
>> com.test --type war
>> ? Use [/Users/pmuir/workspace/test] as project directory? [Y/n]
>> ***SUCCESS*** Created project [test] in new working directory
>> [/Users/pmuir/workspace/test]
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**pom.xml
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**src/main/java
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**src/test/java
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**src/main/webapp
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**src/main/resources
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**src/test/resources
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**src/main/resources/META-INF/**
>> forge.xml
>> [test] test $ persistence setup
>> ? [provider=ARG (of type org.jboss.forge.spec.javaee.**
>> jpa.api.JPAProvider)]:
>> ? [provider=ARG (of type org.jboss.forge.spec.javaee.**jpa.api.JPAProvider)]:
>> ? [container=ARG (of type org.jboss.forge.spec.javaee.**jpa.api.JPAContainer)]:
>> ? [container=ARG (of type org.jboss.forge.spec.javaee.**jpa.api.JPAContainer)]:
>> Warning: The encoding 'UTF-8' is not supported by the Java runtime.
>> ***SUCCESS*** Installed [forge.spec.jpa] successfully.
>> ***INFO*** Setting transaction-type="JTA"
>> ***INFO*** Using example data source [java:jboss/datasources/**ExampleDS]
>> Warning: The encoding 'UTF-8' is not supported by the Java runtime.
>> ? The JPA provider [HIBERNATE], also supplies extended APIs. Install
>> these as well? [y/N]
>> ***SUCCESS*** Persistence (JPA) is installed.
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**src/main/resources/META-INF/**
>> persistence.xml
>> Wrote /Users/pmuir/workspace/test/**pom.xml
>> [test] test $ scaffold setup --scaffoldType aerogear
>> ***ERROR*** [scaffold setup] null
>> [test] test $ scaffold setup --scaffoldType aerogear
>> ***ERROR*** [scaffold setup] null
>> [test] test $
>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 00:21, Richard Kennard wrote:
>> Apologies. I forgot to update the Metawidget 2.1-SNAPSHOT in the JBoss
>>> repo. Please try again now? Or, at a pinch, the blog entry contains a link
>>> to the generated project.
>>> Regards,
>>> Richard.
>>> On 28/02/2012 12:01 AM, Pete Muir wrote:
>>>> I get an error when trying to install the plugin:
>>>> [no project] development $ forge git-plugin git://**
>>>> scaffold-aerogear.git <>
>>>> ***INFO*** Checking out plugin source files to [/var/folders/ph/**
>>>> 8l1qbzzj23x7r628rqg5fqq00000gn**/T/**forgetemp2637555117540383425/**repo]
>>>> via 'git'
>>>> ***WARNING*** Could not find a Ref matching the current Forge version
>>>> [1.0.0.CR2], building Plugin from HEAD.
>>>> ***INFO*** Invoking build with underlying build system.
>>>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>> ------------
>>>> [INFO] Building plugin-scaffold-aerogear 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>> ------------
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.4.1:clean (default-clean) @
>>>> plugin-scaffold-aerogear ---
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.5:**resources (default-resources)
>>>> @ plugin-scaffold-aerogear ---
>>>> [debug] execute contextualize
>>>> [WARNING] Using platform encoding (MacRoman actually) to copy filtered
>>>> resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
>>>> [INFO] Copying 21 resources
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:**compile (default-compile) @
>>>> plugin-scaffold-aerogear ---
>>>> [WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding
>>>> MacRoman, i.e. build is platform dependent!
>>>> [INFO] Compiling 12 source files to /private/var/folders/ph/**
>>>> 8l1qbzzj23x7r628rqg5fqq00000gn**/T/**forgetemp2637555117540383425/**
>>>> repo/target/classes
>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>> -
>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>> -
>>>> [ERROR] /private/var/folders/ph/**8l1qbzzj23x7r628rqg5fqq00000gn**/T/**
>>>> forgetemp2637555117540383425/**repo/src/main/java/org/jboss/**
>>>> forge/scaffold/aerogear/**metawidget/layout/**[48,18]
>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>> symbol : method getWidgetId(org.metawidget.**
>>>> statically.StaticXmlWidget)
>>>> location: class org.jboss.forge.scaffold.**aerogear.metawidget.layout.*
>>>> *HtmlDivLayout
>>>> [ERROR] /private/var/folders/ph/**8l1qbzzj23x7r628rqg5fqq00000gn**/T/**
>>>> forgetemp2637555117540383425/**repo/src/main/java/org/jboss/**
>>>> forge/scaffold/aerogear/**metawidget/layout/**[44,3]
>>>> method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
>>>> [INFO] 2 errors
>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>> -
>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>> ------------
>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>> ------------
>>>> [INFO] Total time: 6.255s
>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Mon Feb 27 12:59:37 GMT 2012
>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 14M/125M
>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>> ------------
>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:**
>>>> maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:**compile (default-compile) on project
>>>> plugin-scaffold-aerogear: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
>>>> [ERROR] /private/var/folders/ph/**8l1qbzzj23x7r628rqg5fqq00000gn**/T/**
>>>> forgetemp2637555117540383425/**repo/src/main/java/org/jboss/**
>>>> forge/scaffold/aerogear/**metawidget/layout/**[48,18]
>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>> [ERROR] symbol : method getWidgetId(org.metawidget.**
>>>> statically.StaticXmlWidget)
>>>> [ERROR] location: class org.jboss.forge.scaffold.**
>>>> aerogear.metawidget.layout.**HtmlDivLayout
>>>> [ERROR] /private/var/folders/ph/**8l1qbzzj23x7r628rqg5fqq00000gn**/T/**
>>>> forgetemp2637555117540383425/**repo/src/main/java/org/jboss/**
>>>> forge/scaffold/aerogear/**metawidget/layout/**[44,3]
>>>> method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
>>>> [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
>>>> [ERROR]
>>>> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with
>>>> the -e switch.
>>>> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
>>>> [ERROR]
>>>> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
>>>> please read the following articles:
>>>> [ERROR] [Help 1]**confluence/display/MAVEN/**
>>>> MojoFailureException<>
>>>> ***ERROR*** [forge git-plugin] Build failed.
>>>> [no project] development $ version
>>>> JBoss Forge, version [ 1.0.0.CR2 ] - JBoss, by Red Hat, Inc. [
>>>> ]
>>>> [no project] development $
>>>> On 24 Feb 2012, at 20:44, Richard Kennard wrote:
>>>> Pete, Jay, Rodney,
>>>>> The work I have checked in to GitHub...
>>>>> ...and the blog entry I have documented...
>>>>> ...brings me to 240 hours (well, a little over, but I won't complicate
>>>>> things :). So I guess that concludes the contract we first discussed last
>>>>> October, the deliverables being 'A statically generated, extend-able [JSF]
>>>>> UI scaffold framework for Forge' and 'Investigation of use of Metawidget in
>>>>> Mobile'.
>>>>> Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I have enjoyed the work
>>>>> immensely, have learnt a lot, and everybody has been very helpful and
>>>>> supportive. I hope what I've produced has met your expectations.
>>>>> I look forward to hearing from Jay regarding the AeroGear proof of
>>>>> concept, and to our contract meeting on 1st March.
>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>> Richard.
>>>>> On 17/02/2012 10:57 PM, Jay Balunas wrote:
>>>>>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 1:52 AM, Richard Kennard<richard@**
>>>>>> <richard(a)>> wrote:
>>>>>> Jay,
>>>>>>> look forward to seeing what you are planning, and working on.
>>>>>>> Yes, sorry to be leaving you in the dark. Progress was slow at the
>>>>>>> start (I've never used JQuery or JSON or HTML 5), but is now coming
>>>>>>> together nicely. I'm 32 hours in with 31 hours left in the contact. I
>>>>>>> should be able to do another 15 hours or so before March 1st, by which time
>>>>>>> I should have something to show you.
>>>>>> Excellent!
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Richard.
>>>>>>> On 16/02/2012 1:00 PM, Jay Balunas wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Feb 15, 2012, at 8:58 PM, Richard Kennard wrote:
>>>>>>>> Jay,
>>>>>>>>> Okay great. There is a meeting on 1st March with Pete, Rodney and
>>>>>>>>> myself to discuss The Future. You may want to attend, or talk to them
>>>>>>>>> before that?
>>>>>>>> Absolutely! I'll touch base with them about that, and look forward
>>>>>>>> to seeing what you are planning, and working on.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Richard.
>>>>>>>>> On 16/02/2012 12:12 PM, Jay Balunas wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 15, 2012, at 6:49 PM, Richard Kennard<richard@**
>>>>>>>>>> <richard(a)>>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Jay,
>>>>>>>>>>> By runtime generation, you mean JavaScript generating HTML
>>>>>>>>>>> widgets dynamically in response to inspecting/reflecting incoming metadata?
>>>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>>>> The current POC is focussed on *static* generation of HTML
>>>>>>>>>>> widgets (at 'Forge time'). So you are talking about the work beyond that?
>>>>>>>>>> Understood, and yes this would be something additional.
>>>>>>>>>> For an example, please see the 'GWT Client Side' demo in the
>>>>>>>>>>> Metawidget examples distribution. This is written using GWT compiled to
>>>>>>>>>>> JavaScript. Are you are asking for something similar, but a POH5 version?
>>>>>>>>>> The GWT solution could be very interesting, both the approach and
>>>>>>>>>> the possible implication with poh5 (not mutually exclusive)
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Richard.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 16/02/2012 2:22 AM, Jay Balunas wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I wanted to follow up on this, I know you only work Fridays on
>>>>>>>>>>>> the JBoss stuff, so I wanted to catch you before that.
>>>>>>>>>>>> There may also be pressure to get some of the POH5 runtime
>>>>>>>>>>>> generation in place for JBoss World, so I wanted to discuss you expected
>>>>>>>>>>>> availability between now and then.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to see your contract extended, but wanted to check
>>>>>>>>>>>> with you first.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Jay
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 10, 2012, at 7:50 AM, Marius Bogoevici wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The convention is to use different URLs for Create/Update, e.g.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> POST /members -> create
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PUT /members/1 (or POST /members/1 take that, oppressive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> RESTful conventional wisdom ;) ) UPDATE
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To me, it's not inconceivable that clients of such a service
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will perform ad-hoc updates (i.e. not part of a GET data/UPDATE data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cycle), so assuming that there's a conversation going on won't help too
>>>>>>>>>>>>> much.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I believe that such a service (especially if scaffolded with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forge) should use JSON throughout (rather than form data), and I *believe*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is what the Forge JAX-RS plugin does too, but I would have to check on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that. In a more elaborate context like Forge, we could pair that with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Backbone.js (or something else that Jay&co love, but I think Bb.js was the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> belle of the ball) and use fetch()/save()/destroy() capabilities to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> streamline CRUD. IMO.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12-02-10 5:43 AM, Pete Muir wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adding Marius.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW Richard, I'm sure you know this but Lincoln added JAX-RS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scaffold to Forge. Whatever we do here should be well integrated with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10 Feb 2012, at 04:40, Richard Kennard wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jay,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (please advise if there is an aerogear group I should be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> posting this to).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As a first step towards a Forge/Metawidget/AeroGear/POH5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scaffolding, I am working on a POH5 CRUD app. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'jboss-html5-mobile-archetype' has given me a great head start, but there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is some way to go.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The first significant roadblock I have hit is *updating*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing entities. The archetype doesn't really cover this, but it sets a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> direction when it does...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @POST
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Consumes(MediaType.**APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Produces(MediaType.**APPLICATION_JSON)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Response createMember(@FormParam("name"**) String
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A simple approach would be to simply add...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @POST
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Consumes(MediaType.**APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Produces(MediaType.**APPLICATION_JSON)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Response createMember(@FormParam("id") String id,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @FormParam("name") String name ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However this would make the cardinal mistake of 'trusting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the client' (to send back the original id). Instead, I think we need to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keep a copy of any hidden data on the server, in a ConversationScope, just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as we do with JSF.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately RESTEasy doesn't seem to play well with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ConversationScope? The documentation for resteasy-cdi is unclear, but Jason
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Porter has investigated and concluded conversations are not supported (as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REST does not convey any kind of session, let alone a conversation). So
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where to from here?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Ignore this security problem and continue passing hidden
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data to/from the client
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Look at encrypting the data passed between client/server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (rather like an encrypted view state)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Work with Pete/Jozef to get ConversationScopes working
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between jQuery/RESTEasy/CDI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Something else?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Richard.
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"
[View Less]
13 years
[Help Requested] Documentation updates
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Hi everyone :)
We're coming up on the CR1 release of Forge, and we'd like to get some of
the documentation updated so that using Forge and writing Forge plugins is
easier than ever! This means that we need help creating some new pages in
the Forge Documentation <>
If you could spend a little time:
- Identifying what information is missing
- Creating or editing pages to bring this information up to date
Just email the list with what you …
[View More]think needs to be included or updated,
and we'll figure out the best place for you to put it!
Thank you for your help!
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"
[View Less]
13 years
Possible issue with Forge in JBoss Tools
by Lincoln Baxter, III
I got some weird output when I started forge in JBT today - I'm using
nightly snapshots of JBT, but I haven't updated in a little while. Looks
like some debug info?
| ___|__ _ __ __ _ ___
| |_ / _ \| `__/ _` |/ _ \ \\
EC: echo echo CRN: /home/lb3/Projects/jboss CRT: DirectoryResource CPN:
PAR: [Ljava.lang.String;
EC: echo echo CRN: /home/lb3/Projects/jboss CRT: DirectoryResource CPN:
PAR: [Ljava.lang.String;@…
[View More]
EC: echo echo CRN: /home/lb3/Projects/jboss CRT: DirectoryResource CPN:
PAR: [Ljava.lang.String;
EC: echo echo CRN: /home/lb3/Projects/jboss CRT: DirectoryResource CPN:
PAR: [Ljava.lang.String;
EC: set set CRN: /home/lb3/Projects/jboss CRT: DirectoryResource CPN: PAR:
HISTORY [Ljava.lang.String;@2299b609 EC: set set CRN:
/home/lb3/Projects/jboss CRT: DirectoryResource CPN: PAR: PROMPT
[Ljava.lang.String;@197e1a9e EC: set set CRN: /home/lb3/Projects/jboss
CRT: DirectoryResource CPN: PAR: PROMPT_NOPROJ [Ljava.lang.String;@26058825
EC: set set CRN: /home/lb3/Projects/jboss CRT: DirectoryResource CPN: PAR:
DEFAULT_PLUGIN_REPO [Ljava.lang.String;@352d48a3 EC: set set CRN:
/home/lb3/Projects/jboss CRT: DirectoryResource CPN: PAR: IGNOREEOF
***ERROR*** No such command: c
[no project] jboss $
[no project] jboss $
[no project] jboss $
[no project] jboss $
[no project] jboss $
[no project] jboss $
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"
[View Less]
13 years
Bug with installing plugins: a clue
by Richard Kennard
Hi guys,
I've been having a problem installing Forge plugins from Git for a while now, and tonight I stumbled on a little clue. It appears when I type:
forge git-plugin git://
That Forge (CR2) installs my plugin (on Windows) under:
But it then immediately fails saying:
Failed loading: org.jboss.forge.plugins.aerogear.plugin-scaffold-aerogear:1.0.0.CR2:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-65e6638c-c6ce-4858-8a8a-4edc1d44123a
[View More]ModuleNotFoundException: Module
org.jboss.forge.plugins.aerogear.plugin-scaffold-aerogear:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-65e6638c-c6ce-4858-8a8a-4edc1d44123a is not found in local module loader @67d95492
(roots: Z:\forge-distribution-1.0.0.CR2\bin\..\modules,N:\MyDocuments\KennardConsulting\Git\.forge\plugins)
You'll note it is *not* looking under C:\Users\Richard\.forge. It is looking under N:\MyDocuments\KennardConsulting\Git\.forge? Anyone have any idea why
that would be?
[View Less]
13 years
automatic dependency detection too restrictive?
by Thomas Frühbeck
while developing a plugin I found that I cannot access org.mvel classes.
- if I install my plugin w/o specific dependency declaration I get:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/mvel2/templates/CompiledTemplate
- if I try to package my own org.mvel library via dependency declaration
the module is imported with
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0"
name="at.tfr.forge.plugin-faces-id-aware.dependencies" slot="...">
<resource-root path="metawidget-all-2.0.jar"…
[View More]/>
<resource-root path="mvel2-2.1.RC1.jar"/>
great so far, but then I get:
***ERROR*** [scaffold from-entity] loader constraint violation: loader
(instance of org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) previously initiated
loading for a different type with name
So this is a dead end for me. There seems to be no other way to access
the Mvel libraries than by using maven shade, but this seems to be overkill.
Could you please rethink the visibility protection strategy or show an
easy way to use common libraries forge already provides.
[View Less]
13 years