Add means of defining constraint for Length on String
by Robb Greathouse
Was trying to change the length on String from the VarChar(255). In Hibernate this can be done by specifying @Length(max=350) (for example.
However, there is no "constraint Length --onProperty xxx --max 350" available in Forge.
Using "constraint Max" causes forge to have a conversion error when attempting to insert string data.
Robb Greathouse
Partner Enablement
Middleware Business Unit
JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
cellphone 505-507-4906
11 years, 6 months
Forge 2 Addon List in Eclipse
Hi Max and forge-dev subscribers,
I was discussing with Lincoln and we reached an agreement that the
current popup list that shows in the center of the IDE is not visually
that nice (
It would be nice if we have something like, however I recall that Max explicitly
mentioned that the Quick Access feature should not be used in any way,
but that we might have something like that available. I've been digging
into the Eclipse API and …
[View More]also found no way to reuse that, unless we
(somehow) register the wizards dinamically using the
"org.eclipse.ui.newWizards" extension point, but since I am not an
Eclipse expert, I may be missing something here.
My question is: Does it looks like a reasonable option to develop an UI
in the Forge 2 Eclipse plugin like Quick Access ?
Do you guys see any other much attractive UI option in Eclipse to
display these Wizards ?
Just reminding that these wizards are dynamic (they are built based on
the Addons installed in Forge 2), therefore they don't exist as an
Wizard class (hence not allowing adding them directly into the plugin.xml).
The latest code can be found in
Looking forward to your suggestions,
Best Regards,
*George Gastaldi* | /Senior Software Engineer/
JBoss Forge Team
Red Hat
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11 years, 9 months
Re: [forge-dev] Is serialVersionUID still required in Java 7/Java EE6 world?
by Pete Muir
Adding forge-dev
The approach we took in the quickstarts was to add @SuppressWarnings("serial") in this case, as it adds a visual warning to the class that you haven't taken this step, without the annoying warning in the IDE. We also try to add a comment to the effect you need to do this before you go into production.
On 23 May 2013, at 23:44, Max Andersen <manderse(a)> wrote:
> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 03:40:42PM -0400, Burr Sutter wrote:
>> Lots of warnings when …
[View More]Forge generates a JPA entity
>> "The serializable class Actor does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long"
> we can disable the warninng in JBDS I believe.
> It is eclipse being anal - they are correct in that you should add such field, but if you do then
> you are declaring you are guaranteeing serializability between versions of your class which generated code
> cannot guarantee nor does any user need this.
> I've written about it in blogs and wikis - I can digg them out if you want the glory details :)
> /max
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11 years, 10 months
Major refactor - re-import to Eclipse may be beneficial
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Due to a major Maven GroupId refactor, it may be beneficial to re-import
Forge 2 into your workspace. Subsequent work to refactor classes and
packages will be performed over the next few days once we have discussed
the options.
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
11 years, 10 months
by Koen Aers
I had to do a talk/demo last Friday @ the Eclipse Day in Florence and I included a small Forge2 'Hello world' in my demo. I was not particularly happy with the status bar notifications that now are used in Forge2 for several reasons but mainly because of the fact that they write to the status bar that belongs to the Project Explorer view which is not necessarily visible but also because the status bar is fairly limited. So I decided to experiment a bit with popup notifications that fade …
[View More]in and fade out in the corner of the window. I got this to work just in time for my demo and everybody seemed quite impressed...
I have uploaded a short video to Vimeo showing what I did: Mind that this is just a basic implementation that needs a lot of polishing. It also seems to address Let me know what you think about it and if I should continue in that direction.
[View Less]
11 years, 10 months
Meeting minutes 2013-05-15
by Lincoln Baxter, III
#forge MeetingMeeting started by lincolnthree at 14:59:45 UTC (full
Meeting summary
1. *Agenda* (lincolnthree<>,
1. Forge 2.0.0.Alpha4 released
2. Forge 1.3.0.Final to be released …
[View More]today
3. Forge Container —> Furnace
4. AngularJS scaffold-x plugin 1.0.0.Final to be released (
2. *Forge 2.0.0.Alpha4 Released*
1. New feature - It doesn't suck.
2. New feature - Addons actually start and stop correctly. (
3. Now addons skeletons are properly created
4. Initial support for JavaEE added
5. Cross container events are working again now that EventMetadata is
in CDI1.1 Final SPEC!
6. *ACTION*: gastaldi will work in the JPA 2.0 support in the JavaEE
addon (gastaldi<>,
3. * Forge 1.3.0.Final to be released today*
4. *Forge 1.3.0.Final to be released today*
1. Maven mirrors are now supported
2. Proxy settings are now used correctly
3. *ACTION*: vineetreynolds would test Forge scaffolding of 1.3.0
with TicketMonster
4. Maven settings are correctly handled now, specially for
constrained environments (Eg: behind a firewall)
5. Requirement of RestFacet now setups REST correctly
6. Check the release notes and the blog post following shortly after
the release
5. *Forge Container —> "Furnace"*
1. *ACTION*: lincolnthree will move forge-addon-container to a
separate github repository in the Forge organization, called "furnace" -
the new maven coordinates will be "org.jboss.forge:furnace" (
2. irc://
AngularJS<irc:// AngularJS> scaffold-x
plugin 1.0.0.Final to be released
6. *AngularJS scaffold-x plugin 1.0.0.Final to be released*
1. The next-gen scaffolding plugin for Forge is available in 1.3.0 (
2. the new scaffold plugin is called "scaffold-x"
3. Documentation is being done in FORGE-904
4. *ACTION*: vineetreynolds will release the 1.0.0.Final version of
the AngularJS scaffold-x provider
5. *ACTION*: vineetreynolds will make angularjs provider available in
the Forge plugin repository
Meeting ended at 15:35:03 UTC (full
Action items
1. gastaldi will work in the JPA 2.0 support in the JavaEE addon
2. vineetreynolds would test Forge scaffolding of 1.3.0 with
3. lincolnthree will move forge-addon-container to a separate github
repository in the Forge organization, called "furnace" - the new maven
coordinates will be "org.jboss.forge:furnace"
4. vineetreynolds will release the 1.0.0.Final version of the AngularJS
scaffold-x provider
5. vineetreynolds will make angularjs provider available in the Forge
plugin repository
Action items, by person
1. gastaldi
1. gastaldi will work in the JPA 2.0 support in the JavaEE addon
2. lincolnthree
1. lincolnthree will move forge-addon-container to a separate github
repository in the Forge organization, called "furnace" - the new maven
coordinates will be "org.jboss.forge:furnace"
3. vineetreynolds
1. vineetreynolds would test Forge scaffolding of 1.3.0 with
2. vineetreynolds will release the 1.0.0.Final version of the
AngularJS scaffold-x provider
3. vineetreynolds will make angularjs provider available in the Forge
plugin repository
People present (lines said)
1. lincolnthree (83)
2. gastaldi (47)
3. vineetreynolds (36)
4. koentsje (14)
5. sblanc (4)
6. gegastaldi (4)
7. jbott (3)
8. jbossbot (1)
9. stalep (0)
Generated by MeetBot <> 0.1.4.
Meeting ended Wed May 15 15:35:03 2013 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
Minutes (text):
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
[View Less]
11 years, 10 months