Add means of defining constraint for Length on String
by Robb Greathouse
Was trying to change the length on String from the VarChar(255). In Hibernate this can be done by specifying @Length(max=350) (for example.
However, there is no "constraint Length --onProperty xxx --max 350" available in Forge.
Using "constraint Max" causes forge to have a conversion error when attempting to insert string data.
Robb Greathouse
Partner Enablement
Middleware Business Unit
JBoss, a Division of Red Hat
cellphone 505-507-4906
11 years, 6 months
IDEA codestyle definitions for JBoss Forge?
by Lennart Jörelid
Hello all,
Hope you are enjoying some high-quality vacation time this time of the year.
Two Forge-Dev newbie questions here:
1. I am in the process of creating a few patches or suggestions for
Forge, and wonder if we have a codestyle XML or JAR for IntelliJ IDEA which
matches the codestyle used in Forge. I have snooped around a tad on the
site and in the repo, but so far could not find any.
2. While it is nice to use any IDE to define codestyle, it is even
better if some …
[View More]code quality plugins run within Maven can validate/enforce
the code quality within our development. I can find some (rather
nonintrusive) plugin version definitions within the jboss-parent-10.pom,
but not any actual codestyle enforcements (at least not within the Forge
project). Have I missed them, or have the dev community agreed that we do
not need code quality plugins run?
Thanks in advance.
| Bästa hälsningar,
| [sw. "Best regards"]
| Lennart Jörelid
| EAI Architect & Integrator
| jGuru Europe AB
| Mölnlycke - Kista
| Email: lj(a)
| URL:
| Phone
| (skype): jgurueurope
| (intl): +46 708 507 603
| (domestic): 0708 - 507 603
[View Less]
11 years, 8 months
Forge minutes - 24-07-2013
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by lincolnthree at 14:39:18 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Agenda (lincolnthree, 14:39:23)
* Overview of Progress in Forge 2 (lincolnthree, 14:39:34)
* Scaffold Forge 2 Port (lincolnthree, 14:39:49)
* Forge 2 JBT Shell integration (lincolnthree, 14:40:06)
* Overview of Progress in Forge 2 (…
[View More]lincolnthree, 14:41:02)
* Furnace runtime de-coupled from Container implementations
(lincolnthree, 14:41:24)
* Furnace manager created as standalone library to facilitate Maven
resolution operations in Forge standard/built-in artifacts
(lincolnthree, 14:42:03)
* ACTION: org.jboss.forge.test ---> org.jboss.furnace.test (this change
will occur today) (lincolnthree, 14:43:02)
* gastaldi is working on the forge-maven-plugin, since there are some
issues with the new maven release. (lincolnthree, 14:48:21)
* But the issues do not prevent a release (lincolnthree, 14:49:14)
* gastaldi and lincolnthree spent several days to refactor the github
repository layout in order to facilitate the release process.
(lincolnthree, 14:49:52)
* github repositories no longer have circular or backwards
dependencies that obstruct the release process (lincolnthree,
* care must be taken to make sure this does not occur again in the
future (lincolnthree, 14:50:36)
* Scaffold Forge 2 Port Status (lincolnthree, 14:52:12)
* Forge 2 JBT Shell integration Status (lincolnthree, 14:53:17)
* koen has been making some prototypes (lincolnthree, 14:53:28)
* GSoC Status and one-week Midterm Warning (lincolnthree, 14:54:00)
* the GSoC midterm occurs on the 29th, in roughly 1 week from today.
(lincolnthree, 14:54:14)
(adamw_, 15:24:05)
(gastaldi, 15:27:12)
(vineetreynolds, 15:29:22)
* ACTION: gastaldi and lincolnthree will review adamw_'s work after he
finishes writing tests (gastaldi, 15:36:17)
Meeting ended at 15:36:53 UTC.
Action Items
* org.jboss.forge.test ---> org.jboss.furnace.test (this change will occur
* gastaldi and lincolnthree will review adamw_'s work after he finishes
writing tests
Action Items, by person
* adamw_
* gastaldi and lincolnthree will review adamw_'s work after he
finishes writing tests
* gastaldi
* gastaldi and lincolnthree will review adamw_'s work after he
finishes writing tests
* lincolnthree
* gastaldi and lincolnthree will review adamw_'s work after he
finishes writing tests
* org.jboss.forge.test ---> org.jboss.furnace.test (this change will
occur today)
People Present (lines said)
* lincolnthree (93)
* gastaldi (45)
* adamw_ (34)
* vineetreynolds (14)
* gegastaldi (11)
* jbott (6)
* ansimionescu (5)
* bb123 (4)
* jbossbot (1)
* mmatloka (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
[View Less]
11 years, 8 months
Core Data Forge Plugin
by Luca Masini
Hi guys, I'm developing a thin framework with the target of allow synch
between an iOS App and a Java EE Server.
The idea is yet working, we developed a Core Data Incremental Store and a
Java EE 6 application that can answer to the Incremental Store events.
Now the next step is to generate everything staring from the Core Data
Model, designed inside XCode.
Basically, the model is simply an XML file, from which I want to generate:
1) Objective C mapping for the Incremental Store
2) Java …
[View More]Entities that map the same model
3) JAX-RS end-point
Of course I want to develop a forge plugin and here I need your advices.
When I started developing the forge-errai-plugin last year I used the
fantastic MetaWidget framework, but now I think that is not the right tool
for the job.
So, what do you think is the best way, using forge, to make those
generators ?
Thank you.
[View Less]
11 years, 8 months
Meeting minutes 2013-07-10
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Meeting ended Wed Jul 10 15:08:51 2013 UTC. Information about MeetBot at
Minutes (text):
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by lincolnthree1 at 14:36:54 UTC. The full logs are
available …
[View More]at
Meeting summary
* Agenda (lincolnthree1, 14:37:27)
* Forge 1 status (lincolnthree1, 14:37:41)
* Forge 2 status (lincolnthree1, 14:37:46)
* X-Scaffold Status (lincolnthree1, 14:37:54)
* Forge 1 status (lincolnthree1, 14:39:38)
* lots of windows bugs fixed, thanks to vineetreynolds
(lincolnthree1, 14:39:49)
* lots of scaffold improvements from vineetreynolds (lincolnthree1,
* some javaparser enhancements from vineetreynolds and from yann
(lincolnthree1, 14:41:37)
* HELP: (vineetreynolds, 14:43:52)
(koentsje1, 14:47:04)
* Forge 2 status (lincolnthree1, 14:48:00)
* Forge 2 container has been upgraded to use the new version-range,
multi-view container (lincolnthree1, 14:48:37)
* Probably lots of bugs we don't know about because multi-view isn't
heavily tested yet (lincolnthree1, 14:49:20)
* gastaldi is working hard on the addon manager (lincolnthree1,
* lincolnthree is working on the pluggable service container
(lincolnthree1, 14:50:32)
* koentsje1 is working on integrating aesh into jboss tools
(lincolnthree1, 14:51:12)
* X-Scaffold Status (lincolnthree1, 14:58:52)
Meeting ended at 15:08:51 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* lincolnthree1 (88)
* vineetreynolds (52)
* gastaldi (24)
* koentsje1 (11)
* jbossbot (3)
* jbott (2)
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
[View Less]
11 years, 8 months