Semantic versioning is a lot easier when using OSGi I think, so in
that aspect it will help with the versioning problem.
I don't agree on the services part; I'm working on large OSGi applications right
now and that's ALL services (hundreds of them), and that works fine (as well a
"normal" DI solution would).
yeah, i'm not saying its not useful for some systems.
I haven't seen a good example of a plugin system that allows extensions to access its
datastructures and still be replacable dynamically got examples of that ?
Eclipse is the best known example, but also the worst example of
using OSGi. There is a lot of things in Eclipse that are considered anti-patterns in the
rest of the OSGi world. Often with good (sometimes historic) reasons, but don't look
at it as the ideal OSGi application ;-)
neither do I - but its at least one data point in how even if you use osgi it doesn't
really help you if your app has type data sharing needs.
Good point about JSR-330. On top of that; there is a new OSGi spec in
development (spec lead is a JBoss guy I believe) that makes CDI available in OSGi. There
is already a prototype in Weld.
yes, and just for kicks, here is a footnote about JSR-330 in eclipse4.
This was around the time google guice/Seam was popular and the JSR-299 / 330
"battle" was on. When I asked why they chose JSR-330 over JSR-299 (since IMO
JSR-330 is not sufficient for what you need inside an UI app) there answer back then
(2years?) was that Google and Spring supported JSR-330 and JSR-299 wasn't possible to
use because it has no official backing and was tied to JEE.
Then the conversation moved to how they were hitting the limits of JSR-330 not having an
event model, not having a way to define boundaries of the injection and so forth.
It was then fun to point out JSR-299 actually had more backing than JSR-330 and that
JSR-299 actually had an even model and that at least Weld could be looked at to see if it
could help to their "injection boundaries".....but yeah, the tied to JEE was at
that time not easy to hide even though Weld could load on JavaSE.
In the end they ended up doing their own "mutated" version of JSR-330 + the
"missing features"
I hope to see CDI available on eclipse equionox one day - would be fun to see it compare.
On Sep 25, 2012, at 9:31 , Max Rydahl Andersen <max.andersen(a)> wrote:
> btw. Eclipse Osgi and the Eclipse 4 platform uses JSR-330 style injection for their
stuff. worth taking a look at if you are going this way.
> does osgi solves tooling multiple version problems ? nope - osgi's notions
aren't really helpful in having a tool that can work reliable against multiple
> since osgi is used in eclipse tooling it allows install/uninstalls ? Nope - since
state sharing is needed in java code they cannot do this cleanly - and moving it all to
services - the code would be super tricky to get right in my experience (Paul hints at
this in his "theoretically speaking")
> does osgi help users ? nope - they don't get their features faster because of
> /max
> On 25 Sep 2012, at 09:16, Paul Bakker <> wrote:
>> Let's start by explaining something about OSGi. When designing towards
modularity there are two parts of OSGi that are important:
>> 1) the classloading mechanism.
>> Bundles (modules) declare their requirements on other packages (imports) in a
manifest file. Bundles can also export packages by declaring them in the manifest so that
they become available to other bundles. When the OSGi container is started the resolver
will check if all declared imports are available (exported by another bundle), if not, the
bundle will not start. The resolver supports versions and ranges of version, and it's
possible to have several versions of the same package installed. This mechanism makes sure
that you will never get classnotfoundexceptions because the resolver checks if all
requirements are fulfilled, and makes sure that implementation classes can simply be
hidden by not exporting them; perfect for making sure others only use your public APIs.
Also note that you never write the import headers yourself (this would be a lot of work),
they should be calculated by tools (bnd) instead. Exports are defined yourself however.
>> This mechanism is similar to what JBoss Modules is doing; although it's doing
a little more (which makes the resolver a little slower). Because startup speed is on the
most important aspects of AS7 the resolver overhead during startup was not acceptable. I
didn't see the numbers so I can judge on this, but I have seen many other very large
applications that work fine (and start up A LOT quicker then Forge...)
>> Also note that just having separate classloaders doesn't give you real
modularity yet, for that we need services...
>> 2) dynamic services
>> A service is simply a class registered as a service; compare this to a class
registered/picked up to the CDI bean manager. A service can be injected in other services,
and in practice the model works very similar with other dependency injection solutions.
Implementation code that should be available to others (using an API) should be published
as a service; the client uses the service by it's API and simply injects the service.
What makes services different from other dependency injection solutions is that they can
be dynamically registered and de-registered; they can come and go during runtime. Of
course this just happens randomly, there are good reasons to do this. For example, a
bundle is re-installed (new version), or uninstalled. The services of this bundle will
also become unavailable. Or you might pick up new configuration somewhere that should
start new services for example.
>> What happens to clients of a service that is de-registered though? In most cases
you would want to de-register the client (a service itself as well) as well. In other
cases you might just switch to another service that publishes the same API, or just
continue work without the service. This sounds way more complex than it is; you solve
these things by simply configuring this in your dependency injection framework, and
everything will be handled automatically.
>> So theoretically speaking, a Forge implementation in OSGi would require the
>> -Define all Forge APIs in one or more API bundles
>> -Implement the core as OSGi services.
>> -A plugin is also an OSGi service, and implements a plugin interface. They are
registered "whiteboard style".
>> -A plugin injects core features by injecting OSGi services (remember, this is
just DI similar as we do now)
>> -Plugins can be dynamically installed/de-installed/reloaded by simply reloading
the bundle and registering the service
>> So yes, the architecture of Forge fits OSGi perfectly.
>> In my opinion OSGi is not too complex. The spec is large, but that is because
it's a spec that is being used over 10 years now! It supports many corner cases, and
if you would have to understand each corner case you could definitely say it's
complex. You don't have to however, in most cases you really only deal with the basics
and they are easy. Compare it to the CDI spec. The CDI spec has many tricky corner cases
as well, but most users don't even know about those corner cases, and this is fine. If
you would implement your own OSGi container you would have to deal with the complexity,
but by just using OSGi you don't.
>> So should we start using OSGi? Well this is a difficult question... In my opinion
we should have started that way, but it might be a little late for that. OSGi
shouldn't be hacked on top of Forge, that's just going to bring more problems.
Forge itself should be build in OSGi, but this will of course change things. The
programming model would be very similar, but the exact APIs etc. would be considerably
different. I'm not sure this is feasible at this point.
>> If you want to see the basics of programming in OSGi (with dynamic services etc.)
take a look at this talk: Skip to the part
where I start coding :-)
>> Paul
>> On Sep 25, 2012, at 2:23 , Dan Allen <dan.j.allen(a)> wrote:
>>> ...which is pretty consistent with my point as well. It's too
over-engineered (as are the arguments as to why it isn't) for low-level containers.
But the need (to live in this world) is nothing a layer of abstraction can't satiate
>>> -Dan
>>> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 6:13 PM, JFlower <fiorenzino(a)> wrote:
>>> i remember this post:
>>> I've rarely in my life met a more overengineered, overcomplex spec than
OSGi. Compatibility with OSGi should be an anti-requirement in any sane world.
>>> Unfortunately we live in this world :-(
>>> Gavin King
>>> []
>>> Fiorenzo
>>> PS i never used osgi in my jee apps, and i hate my eclipse when i need to
restart it after a plugin installation...
>>> 2012/9/25 <ggastald(a)>
>>> Hello,
>>> I've been done some thinking and researching for Forge 2.0 based on the
last forge meeting we had and the current code in the 2.0 branch, and it seems that the
architecture we're looking for is very close to OSGi architecture itself (regarding to
plugability and modularity).
>>> I'm also afraid that we'll face the same problems that OSGi tries to
solve. As my current experience with OSGi is next to minimal (and probably to better
understand why and have some arguments if someone asks me about it), I would like some
opinions about the advantages/disadvantages of why not having the Forge container as an
OSGi compliant solution.
>>> Also, don't get me wrong: I am not trying to convince anyone of using
OSGi into the forge core, just want to understand better why this architecture is not a
viable solution so far. I know Lincoln is against using it, but I just want some arguments
in case someone asks me in conferences and stuff :)
>>> Of course, we need to keep using CDI and annotations as well. So if it's
possible to have that and at the same time the modularity (and plugability) offered by
OSGi, it would be awesome.
>>> Looking forward for your answers !
>>> Best Regards,
>>> --
>>> George Gastaldi | Senior Software Engineer
>>> JBoss Forge Team
>>> Red Hat
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>>> --
>>> Dan Allen
>>> Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
>>> Registered Linux User #231597
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