Hey Sebastien,
I completed your table with the missing facets. There are some fractions
that are not mapped to a facet (like JMX or MSC), so I am not sure how you
could address that (maybe we need to create facets for the missing specs,
like mail and JCA).
Best Regards,
On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 5:30 PM, Sebastien Blanc <sblanc(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Forgers !
As some might know, I'm working, when times allow, on the Forge Swarm
Addon (
https://github.com/forge/wildfly-swarm-addon ).
The next thing I would like to implement, and thanks to Antonio who gave
me the idea, is to be able to install Swarm Fractions automatically when a
Facet / Addon is installed (and that the project has off course already the
Swarm Facet), so for instance, if I do a "jpa-setup" it will also install
the "jpa" swarm fraction.
The central piece of that, is having a document / table ,whatever, that
describes the best the mapping between these 2 things. Maybe basing it on a
facet installation event is not enough, maybe there are other forge
command that should also trigger the addition of a fraction ...
That is why I need your help, I started a document here :
Feel free to correct my mistake, add columns (for Forge command for
instance), add mappings !
I don't know if Swarm people watch this list to, otherwise I will ping
them on irc as well.
ps : fractions has also transitive dependency between them (I will handle
that later, for the next feature ;) )
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