Hi !
I'm happy to announce the first release of the UPS Java Sender Forge
Addon, This addon will help the developer to integrate the Java Sender
into their existing applications.
Basically it provides 2 commands :
- unifiedpush-setup : will pull in the dependency and create a
pushConfiguration.json file that contains the needed information (UPS
url, PushAppID and master secret)
-unifiedpush-generate-service : will generate a small service that
wraps the Java Sender, you can then easily inject it into your
business logic.
The nice thing about Forge 2 Addons, is that you get JBDS Integration
for "free" , so these 2 commands are available in JBDS as UI Wizards.
I created a blog entry for that which also contains a screencast :
The code is hosted here for now :
https://github.com/sebastienblanc/unifiedpush-addon but will soon be
migrated under the AeroGear org.
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