Hi Grzegorz,
I'm sorry for dropping the ball on this. For Forge, I've set up a
repository for you in
. I've
also created an empty Forge command for you to use as a starting point.
Note, the project is split into addon/api/impl/spi/tests. The addon/
project is classified as a 'forge-addon' JAR. More details on addon
development can be found here:
Please find me on #forge IRC if you get stuck, or reply here!
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Grzegorz Grzybek <ggrzybek(a)redhat.com>
Finally I have time to start the discussion about the use of Maven
Archetypes in both JBoss Fuse and JBoss Fabric.
Here are the links to relevant issues:
Currently we have (here:
a helper which can unpack maven archetype and correctly replace ${VAR}
variables in archetype resources.
Let's first say what we want to achieve. I'd say (please provide comments
if I misunderstood something):
- to be able to unpack any Maven Archetype JAR and create working ("mvn
clean install"able) project in FileSystem *without* using Maven
archetype-related libraries
- to be able to replace variables in archetype resources
- to be able to evaluate Velocity expressions (they may be present in the
- to be able to read list of available archetypes
- to be able to discover available archetypes and create the above list
(explicit distinction to free ourselves from finding the archetypes in
M2_REPO each time)
- to be able to discover archetype parameters (this is the main goal - to
make something more user/tab-completion friendly than "mvn
archetype:create" with millions of options)
- to provide commands (Karaf/Gogo or JBoss Forge) for project creation
- to ask users (GUI? Console? Hawt.io?) for required archetype:create
OK. I'd like to start a project (
https://github.com/forge/ or
https://github.com/fusesource/ or
https://github.com/jboss/ or
https://github.com/jboss-fuse/ - any suggestions?) which will do most of
the above and will be a foundation of:
- karaf/fabric command
- Forge addon(?)
Any suggestions?
Grzegorz Grzybek
That sounds good. Please post to forge-dev(a)lists.jboss.org when you want
help getting this rolling!
On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 9:10 AM, James Strachan <jstracha(a)redhat.com>
> Hey :)
> The scala code is ported to Java now; why don’t we get the little
> ‘project creator’ command in fabric8 working; then when its there, we could
> post it to the forge list to see about including/sharing/reusing the same
> stuff there too?
> On 21 May 2014, at 12:33, Grzegorz Grzybek <ggrzybek(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> Hello - sorry I couldn't start the discussion... But I still remember
> that it's quite important ;)
> regards
> Grzegorz Grzybek
> I think that sounds like a good idea. If we can consume this as a
> library, it would make things very easy to implement. It would also
> probably give you guys a migration path so you don't immediately have to
> jump to Forge on drop 0.
> Forge has a number of ways of locating resources, we can come up with a
> nice pattern for this :)
> Shall we move this discussion to forge-dev(a)lists.jboss.org or #forge on
irc.freenode.net and get started?
> ~Lincoln
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 3:13 AM, James Strachan <jstracha(a)redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> Yeah, we might wanna polish the archetype generator code into its own
>> jar/bundle thats got minimal dependencies & is easier to use stand alone
>> (so it could be more easily consumed from inside Forge).
>> For the ‘create project’ command/plugin I figured we’d discover the
>> available archetypes on the classpath somehow; in Fuse IDE (the Fuse/Camel
>> plugins now in JBDS) we just did a bit of code generation to put the
>> archetype jars inside the plugin. Something a bit more extensible,
>> eventually, might be nice for Forge; though for fabric8 just having a
>> curated list of archetypes from the fabric8 project itself will be fine for
>> us for a while ;)
>> On 15 May 2014, at 08:03, Grzegorz Grzybek <ggrzybek(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Awesome, thanks Grzegorz!
>> BTW a bit of background for you, sorry I should have said - there’s
>> been discussions in the past of adding a nice ability to create new
>> projects from archetypes nicely into JBoss Forge:
>> the mvn command line to generate archetypes isn’t awesome ;) and we
>> could curate a nice default set with auto-completion of all the known jboss
>> archetypes from our projects (and maybe have a nice little way to filter
>> them by tag/project name/tech etc) with tab completion etc
>> Thanks for links - so another item on my TODO list ;)
>> I'll think about how to make it easier both for Forge and commands
>> inside Fabric8.
>> regards
>> Grzegorz
>> On 15 May 2014, at 07:55, Grzegorz Grzybek <ggrzybek(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I successfully ported insight-maven stuff from Scala (it's Maven's
>> Aether concept to deal with repositories). But now I'm 30% in
>> camel-tooling-util. Scala is not really needed here and I see it has much
>> more cons than pros!
>> I know that for Scala ninjas this language is the ultimate expression
>> tool, but reading it after few years is not such a Zen experience after all.
>> As someone said - Java8 is the new Java, not Scala. Of course I don't
>> want to rewrite all this code into lambda-spaghetti, but good old Java6
>> syntax is enough :)
>> And after porting camel-tooling-util back to Java, I'll look at
https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8/issues/1091 which is about making
>> creating projects from archetypes much easier.
>> regards
>> Grzegorz
>> Cool; wanna CC Grzegorz and myself?; am hoping at some point Grzegorz
>> gets the chance to port the existing Archetype creation code from scala to
>> java so its a little leaner & meaner and easier to reuse in Forge.
>> On 14 May 2014, at 20:31, Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter(a)gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Okay cool. We'll continue to go down the archetype route and see if we
>> can get that working for you guys. It would help if we had someone on your
>> team who could take point on this so we can assist. Is that possible?
>> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 3:29 PM, James Strachan <jstracha(a)redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Ah yeah - just chatted to Dave; this is some gem based stuff for
>>> generating projects from templates; which is cool too. We went the maven
>>> archetype direction in Fuse IDE (now the Fuse / Camel tooling in JBDS) and
>>> now have lots of archetypes (both on upstream projects like camel & cxf
>>> in JBoss Fuse); so I’m personally more keen to support archetypes ASAP; but
>>> the more tooling and options the better! :)
>>> On 14 May 2014, at 17:58, Lincoln Baxter, III
>>> wrote:
>>> Also just got contacted by some people from GSS who are working on
>>> fusegen and want to merge that into Forge. Do you know anything about that?
>>> Wai Chun Hoi, and Dave Stanley.
>>> ~Lincoln
>>> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:50 AM, James Strachan <jstracha(a)redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Sounds cool; am around until about 2-3pm I think so late morning
>>>> sounds cool.
>>>> FWIW we added an archetype generator a while back into eclipse so it
>>>> was easy for folks to start projects & we pre-baked all our
>>>> archetypes - as using the maven archetype:generate command line is so
>>>> utterly awful.
>>>> Here’s the code to create an archetype from the mvn coordinates of
>>>> the archetype distro:
>>>> e.g. here’s a test case that creates a bunch of archetypes - no
>>>> maven is required etc:
>>>> I was hoping we could cobble something like this into a standard
>>>> command; then have nice tab completion on the list of archetypes we ship
>>>> default in Forge which groks all the jboss / fuse / apache archetypes we
>>>> want to prime it with; and make it easy for folks to add/load/configure
>>>> others. e.g. JBoss Fuse ships with a bunch of archetypes (but they are
>>>> sync’d to maven central); so it’d be nice if all jboss products that
>>>> archetypes were baked into Forge (e.g. EAP / Fuse / Fuse Service Works /
>>>> BRMS etc).
>>>> Hope that helps - would love to port the code to plain java ;) but I
>>>> guess whats another massive jar dependency on spring-library between
>>>> friends ;)
>>>> Anyway - hope to see you around this morning. Go Errai! :)
>>>> On 16 Apr 2014, at 02:52, Lincoln Baxter, III <
>>>> lincolnbaxter(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Let's talk about this tomorrow (today.) I'll be over at the
>>>> in the late morning. And I'll be at the hack-fest.
>>>> --
>>>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>>>> "Simpler is better."
>>>> James
>>>> -------
>>>> Red Hat
>>>> Email: jstracha(a)redhat.com
>>>> Web:
>>>> Twitter: jstrachan, fusenews
>>>> Blog:
>>>> Open Source Integration
>>> --
>>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>>> "Simpler is better."
>>> James
>>> -------
>>> Red Hat
>>> Twitter: @jstrachan
>>> Email: jstracha(a)redhat.com
>>> Blog:
>>> hawtio: http:/ <
>>> fabric8: http:/ <
>>> Open Source Integration
>> --
>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>> "Simpler is better."
>> James
>> -------
>> Red Hat
>> Twitter: @jstrachan
>> Email: jstracha(a)redhat.com
>> Blog:
>> hawtio: http:/ <
>> fabric8: http:/ <
>> Open Source Integration
>> James
>> -------
>> Red Hat
>> Twitter: @jstrachan
>> Email: jstracha(a)redhat.com
>> Blog:
>> hawtio: http:/ <
>> fabric8: http:/ <
>> Open Source Integration
>> James
>> -------
>> Red Hat
>> Twitter: @jstrachan
>> Email: jstracha(a)redhat.com
>> Blog:
>> hawtio: http:/ <
>> fabric8: http:/ <
>> Open Source Integration
> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> "Simpler is better."
> James
> -------
> Red Hat
> Twitter: @jstrachan
> Email: jstracha(a)redhat.com
> Blog:
> hawtio: http:/ <
> fabric8: http:/ <
> Open Source Integration
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."