Hi max,
Yes it does. There are some features which will not work yet, like opening an URL. I have
already filed a JIRA about that.
Best Regards,
Em 21/09/2012, às 11:12, Max Rydahl Andersen <max.andersen(a)redhat.com> escreveu:
I haven't had time to try out forge 1.1 yet - does it load fine in Forge tools as an
external runtime ?
On 21 Sep 2012, at 15:38, "Lincoln Baxter, III" <lincolnbaxter(a)gmail.com>
> If you were involved in helping to release or get issues into Forge 1.1.0.Final,
please go out and have a beer. George has just done the release, and I am proud to say
that it is the most impressive, most bug-fixes, most usability enhancements release
we've ever had!
> Check out the release notes and blog post (
http://forge.jboss.org/news/2012/09/20/post-forge-1.html ).
> Thanks for everyone's help on this fantastic release! Also thanks to George for
hosting an awesome Hack night! We got several big issues fixed for the release in just a
few hours!
> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> "Simpler is better."
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