Hello forge developers and users! :-)
As you probably know we are in the process of moving our wiki based web
page (
https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/FORGE/Home) to a site of its
own. If you see this for the first time, you can find more details here:
Once we are more confident about its completeness, we will publish it.
Before that, though, we would like to hear your opinion about the domain
name. Here are the options:
jboss.org/forge -> this can be easily got. However we cannot have all the
services that we need (like hosting our plugin repository for example). We
should stick to the ones offered by the
jboss.org server
forge.jboss.org -> we can use this domain name in all kinds of cloud
solutions (like Openshift). There we will be in power to choose the web
site technology
forge.org -> unfortunately this is already taken. But it looks great for
our tool to have this domain - easy to remember and straight to the point
jbossforge.org -> it's not occupied yet and is close to what we see on
our logo
forge.net / forge.nu / forge.<anything> -> use any free domain that
starts with forge
* change the project name to something else, which has free
* any other great idea that you can think of...
To share my opinion:
jboss.org is great! However, if the only way to get it
is by paying to its owner, then I am also fine with