I don't want you to read it from eclipse - I want eclipse to be able to tell you where
it is ;)
i.e. in CDI terms I would like to be able to introduce a @producer method to return the
proper results for the current context.
On Jul 19, 2011, at 12:21, Paul Bakker wrote:
In the Arquillian plugin I just read the environment property and use
that as the default for the prompt. Because I just need the property only once to write it
to a config file it's not stored anywhere in Forge. Now that I'm thinking about
it, we should probably do the same in the as7 plugin; if the JBOSS_HOME env. property is
empty we could let the user enter a location and that should be stored somewhere.
I see two options here:
1) save all properties in the .forge directory, they should overwrite normal environment
2) save this kind of properties at the project level (either in the forge.xml file, or we
can introduce a properties file) so you can, for example, use different server
installations in different projects.
Letting the user choose if it's a system level, or project levelsetting this would be
even better.
I have absolutely no idea how to check in Eclipse which servers are installed, so I also
can't really imagine how to read that from Forge. Maybe scan configuration files in
the "servers" project?
On Jul 19, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> also a good example of info that when forge is running within eclipse we can tell if
which server (if any) are setup as the default target.....
> Any ideas on how we can hook that in ?
> /max
> On Jul 18, 2011, at 23:58, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
>> How do you think we should resolve the JBOSS_HOME requirement issue? Forge config
to override system environment?
>> --
>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>> "Keep it Simple"
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> /max