Le 14 avr. 2015 à 15:25, Max Rydahl Andersen
<manderse(a)redhat.com> a écrit :
On 14 Apr 2015, at 17:01, Fred Bricon wrote:
> Sorry to disappoint but new Central on HTML5 won’t be part of Alpha2. It’s planned
for Beta 1 (
bummer. thought you said last week it would make it in. Did I hear wrong or did something
change ?
>> Le 14 avr. 2015 à 07:45, Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse(a)redhat.com> a écrit
>> Heya,
>> Just a friendly reminder that Alpha2 code freeze is coming up on this
>> Thursday the 16th [1]
>> if you are on Red Hat VPN you can access the ical for it at [2]. Planned
>> release of this is for 27th April.
>> This Alpha2 is "Special" in the sense it is targeting Eclipse Mars M6
>> which includes a lot of updates and fixes
>> to the platform including:
>> * OS X p2 layout has changed = OS X users cannot update from Mars M1-M5
>> to M6, need to install.
>> * Jetty 8 to Jetty 9 (major api change)
>> * egit 3.x to 4.0
>> * GTK3 bug fixes (Snjezana Go Go!)
>> * ...and probably a lot more ;)
>> Big things hoping to show up in Alpha2 if you are not aware are:
>> * easyimport
>> * OpenShift v3 tooling (it did not make it to Alpha1)
>> * First working and pretty version of Central on HTML5
>> * <fill in your thing here for N&N >
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> Good luck and don't be afraid to ask if you find issues in M6.
>> There are still time to fix it upstream! :)
>> p.s. I'm not available this Friday - but Fred Bricon promised to fill in
>> for me if any questions/concerns
>> around code freeze and readiness.
>> Thanks,
>> /max
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