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Lincoln Baxter III wrote:
Hmm, that does seem like an integration problem. My recommendation would be
against using mvn eclipse:eclipse, but rather "File --> Import --> Existing
Maven Project"
Ah, yes -- in other words, do it the m2e way, not the mvn eclipse:eclipse way.
Yes, File --> Import --> Existing Maven Project exists and (now that you have
reminded me to use it) seems to work fine.
And, once I did that, there does seem to be some level of integration working between the
Forge 1.4.2 shell and Eclipse -- if I use 'cd' in the Forge shell to move around
between sibling projects, the Eclipse "Project Explorer" view apparently gets
notified and highlights the directory that I have cd'ed to. I don't have a mental
model of how the various moving parts do/don't integrate, but this is working enough
that I can keep going. Thanks.
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