Tried this with forge 2.12.2. on windows 7, java 1.7.0_45, JBOSS_HOME set to wildfly 8.1
The connection-create-profile indicates that the profile is saved, but I do not find any
files on the system corrsponfing to it.
The jpa-generate-entities-from-tables fails to provide a password, so cannot login to the
database. Adding --userPassword to this command does not help.
Following is what I tried:
project-new --named tshirts --topLevelPackage ca.bcit.infosys.tshirts --type war
--finalName tshirts ;
jpa-setup --provider Hibernate --dbType MYSQL5_INNODB --container JBOSS_AS7
--dataSourceName java:jboss/datasources/tshirtsDS;
connection-create-profile - --name tshirtsConnection --hibernateDialect
org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect --driverClass com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
--driverLocation D:\Apps\mysql-connector-java-5.1.33\mysql-connector-java-5.1.33-bin.jar
--userName TSHIRTS --userPassword TSHIRTS --jdbcUrl
--verifyConnection true;
jpa-generate-entities-from-tables - --userPassword TSHIRTS --databaseTables *
--connectionProfile tshirtsConnection --targetPackage ca.bcit.infosys.tshirts.model ;
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