Hello. I have tried to use Forge 1.4.4 under Cygwin + Windows 8 without luck.
I'm able to execute the basic tutorial from Powershell (forge.bat). But when I try to
do it from cygwin, the shell does not respond. It appears it just won't receive any
command. For example:
[no project] forge $ help;
-- several minutes later, I Ctrl-C:
$ help;
GNU bash, version 4.1.11(2)-release (x86_64-unknown-cygwin)
So it appears that the commands I execute on the forge shell under cygwin just don't
reach the forge shell.
I'm using also libevent2: I do use tmux under cygwin. I have tried forge with and
without tmux without luck.
It would be great to me to use Forge inside cygwin. Is there something I can do for it ?
Maybe yo can give me some directions?
Or maybe you can tell me some way to go to the sources and try to implement it.
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