OK sorted thanks.
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:37 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III
<lincolnbaxter(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hmm... it seems that the URL used to access the page was wrong. And
there is
a bug in Mojarra that was deployed on AS6, causing this issue. It just means
that the page was not found. Perhaps I made a mistake when I gave the
instructions to access the generated view.
Try doing:
This did it.
find the file you want to view, and make sure you access it through
FacesServlet, e.g: The url path after the context root (your application
deployment name) must begin with "/faces/" ... such as...
"/faces/scaffold/entityname/create.xhtml" etc
I had created an entity called Customer (upper case 'C') but
list-web-resources showed a lower case 'c' in the listing.
Didn't work with upper case but did with lower case - I had assumed
that the entityname was the Java one and not normalised to lower
I should have figured that out but the exception was pretty opaque...
Thanks !