Your commands look ok. Some ideas to consider:
--driverLocation uses backslashes which may be incorrectly interpreted. Try forward
slashes instead.
passwords are usually case sensitive. Are you certain your userPassword should be all
uppercase ?
do not use --userPassword with the jpa-generare-entities-from-tables when using a
try generating the tables ithout using --databaseTables * and see if you are prompted for
password or table names.
Although I am not a forge expert, it is my belief that the connectionProfile only exists
during the session in which it is created.
I assume you are using these commamds from within a DOS Window - not from within Eclipse,
right ?
Since we are almost neighbours, I'll retest my commands with 2.12.Final tomorrow and
let you know the result.
You do not indicate what errors you are seeing that lead you to believe the generate
entities failed....
Posted by forums
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