Hi Luca,
JBDS 7.1.0 is based on JBoss Tools 4.1.1 which in turn is based on Eclipse Kepler. JBDS
7.1 is bundled with Forge 2.0.0.Beta3.
The Forge 2.0.0.CR1 release is not particularly included in any JBT or JBDS release. In
any case the master branch of the JBT/Forge integration is currently build against Eclipse
Luna. This results in Eclipse plugins that are not compatible with JBDS 7.1.0 or JBT
What can you do to use the 2.0.0.CR1 release in Eclipse?
* The easiest solution is to checkout and build the forge-2.0.0.CR1 tag of the JBT/Forge
integration and install from the resulting update site in a freshly downloaded Eclipse
Luna Java EE bundle
- git clone
- cd jbosstools-forge
- git checkout tags/forge-2.0.0.CR1
- mvn clean install
=> you 'll find the update site in the dist/target subfolder
* The more involved solution, if you really want to use JBDS 7.1.0 would be to merge a
branch that you create from the above tag into the jbosstools-4.1.x branch. I would
actually not advise to go down this path because the merge will result in a fair number of
conflicts that need to be resolved and that require that you know very well what you are
doing. If you really want to do this, find me (@koentsje) in the #forge channel on
irc.freenode.net and i'll try to guide you through the pitfalls.
I hope this helps you a bit.
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