(moving this thread to the mailing list for public consumption)
Mazz says,
As for the Hawkular OpenShift Agent, note that there are no
integration tests yet.
I have no idea how to do that yet. I've got unit tests throughout, but not itests.
Something we'll need to do eventually. Gotta figure out how to mock an OpenShift
Matt says,
For origin metrics we run e2e tests. So we point our test to our
OpenShift instance,
it will then deploy our metrics components (with the various different deployment
and then check and see that everything deployed properly, there are no errors or
and that we can gather metrics.
For the agent we might want to do something similar. I don't know how useful it would
to mock up an OpenShift environment when you can just have it directly use one.
... I would look to do this using the kubernetes client more directly and using a proper
test framework.
Matt - I have a followup question:
Does this mean we would not be able to run itests on github commits via Travis? Not that
that is a bad thing - I would not be heartbroken if I was told we will not be able to use
Travis :) I'm just wondering if this means there will be no CI.