Jason Porter <lightguard.jp(a)gmail.com> wrote, in response to flejne:
Is the test actually calling the REST endpoint? Best I could tell you is to debug through
and see what's going on. If you're not getting back a response I'm wondering
if there's some sort of exception coming from the server .
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flejne (unregistered) wrote:
Using EAP 6.1 (W7 platform), the mvn package command failed on a TU of jax-rs-client:
test(org.jboss.as.quickstarts.jaxrsclient.JaxRsClientTest) Time elapsed: 0.33 sec Hello
World!> but was:
at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:69)
The error message is clear but I don't know what to do! Does someone could help me to
go further and deploy this helloworld ?
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