Esteve <eavilesa(a)> wrote, in response to Vineet Reynolds:
Angular documentation states that html5 mode requires server side configuration:$location
"Server side
Using this mode requires URL rewriting on server side, basically you have to rewrite all
your links to entry point of your application (e.g. index.html)"
If no server configuration enabled when you request a RESTful url (without angularjs
links) you get a HTTP 404 page not found, obviously.
I think the solution would be enabling a url rewrite servlet for all http requests to the
I will try it.
Thanks in advance.
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Vineet Reynolds wrote:
Esteve, could you please expand on this issue you've faced? HTML5 mode for AngularJS
routers is dependent on the browser's capability. This mode would work for some
browsers but not for all. Going by the AngularJS documentation here:$location , you should see the hashbang
URLs employed for older browsers, but the RESTful URLs in newer ones.
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