TBorba <tborba(a)outsoft.pt> wrote, in response to Vineet Reynolds:
True. I probably messed up the copy-paste from the original source since I was updating it
while reading this tutorial (the annotations for ignoring certain elements when
serializing JSon are not mentioned here), and ended up deleting the original
I know it's a complex project and hard to put all details in the tutorial, but this
one is hardly debuggable (AS 7 throws a ClassNotFoundException and meaningless
serialization output) and it should be highlighted somewhere for newbies like me. But
yeah, this is a showcase project, maybe I'm asking a lot :)
By the way, isn't there a standardized solution that will not involve library-specific
annotations? Because this seriously cripples the re-usability of the model. What if XML
was the serialization target? What if I have methods that will also iterate through an
Entity's members and call them recursively?
I think I will try and develop my custom authentication method/interceptor since I kinda
need to assess feasibility sooner than later with this whole framework (I'm composing
a spec for a possible client). I have updated my dependencies to use RESTEasy 3 and am
currently setting up a user/pass JBoss security domain, so I can benefit from its OAuth2
implementations (apparently production-safe unlike RESTEasy's OAuth 1 take) and
eventually reuse the domain for non-rest authentication . I might be reinventing the rock,
but I guess it's fine so I understand the trade-offs of custom auth, and benefit from
the bleeding edge authentication technologies such as SSO.
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Vineet Reynolds wrote:
Thanks for proposing the improvement. I've tracked it as yet another item in JDF-259
The deployed application on OpenShift, as well as a locally built version from the current
HEAD on GitHub should not have the described issue involving cyclic references. They in
fact do something similar to what you're proposed, in using the
"@JsonIgnoreProperties" annotation.
As for security constraints to be applied on REST resources, Jason's reply would
answer it. We hope to demonstrate something similar in TicketMonster, most probably
through the use of PicketLink.
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