Vineet Reynolds <vineet.reynolds(a)> wrote, in response to TBorba:
Unfortunately in the case of serialization and deserialization of object graphs to various
formats, there is no standardized annotation available (yes, this can result in a mess if
you're not careful). The format-agnostic way to do this is to have custom
MessageBodyReaders/MessageBodyWriters but that tends to be an overkill in most scenarios;
besides, it also requires knowledge of the internals of libraries like Jackson.
About OAuth/OAuth2, I'd suggest reading this: The summary of that
post is that you wouldnt need OAuth, unless you need to allow other parties to perform
operations on behalf of the identities registered in your identity store. If your users in
the store perform operations and do not delegate them to others, then sticking to the
authentication schemes available out of the box should be good enough.
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TBorba wrote:
True. I probably messed up the copy-paste from the original source since I was updating it
while reading this tutorial (bad approach, I know, but the code snippets here omit the
annotations those annotations), and ended up deleting the original
I know it's a complex project and hard to put all details in the tutorial, but this
one is hardly obvious in the debug process (AS 7 throws a ClassNotFoundException and
meaningless serialization output), and it should be highlighted somewhere for newbies like
me. But yeah, this is a showcase project, maybe I'm asking a lot :-X
By the way, isn't there a standardized solution that will not involve library-specific
annotations? Because this seriously cripples the re-usability of the model. What if XML
was the serializa...
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