Vineet Reynolds <vineet.reynolds(a)> wrote, in response to Tim P:
Hi Tim,
That is a consequence of using the Eclipse plugin for JBoss AS via JBoss Tools/JBoss
Developer Studio to deploy the app. In your case, the plugin is configured to use the
Eclipse workspace .metadata directory.
You can find information on configuring this behavior here :
As for the plugin requiring the server to be running, that is necessary since
otherwise the deployment will be performed only when the server is started.
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Tim P (unregistered) wrote:
Where jboss-as-helloworld.war will be deployed? I can find it in
which is configured in my standalone.xml as jbosstoolsscanner1 path. Where can I find
more information about this?
And why does the plugin requires JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 to be running?
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