Robert Brendler <robert.brendler(a)> wrote, in response to Robert Brendler:
I could only achieve my intended result by adding an additional
if ( ctx.isCallerInRole("user") &&
!ctx.isCallerInRole("guest") ) { // needs to explicitly exclude all other roles
return principal.toString();
} else {
// throw new EJBAccessException("Username
'"+principal.toString()+"' does NOT have role 'user'");
return null; // for the lazy ones
this is far from desireable ...
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Robert Brendler wrote:
I am not sure if this is valid usage of ejb security but when I add
another possible role in @ServletSecurity, lets simply call it "user".
Role "user" does not include rights of "guest" and vice versa, so when
annotate a second method in the SecuredEjb like the following I expect
that it is forbidden for "guest".
public String getSecurityInfoUser()
I log in as "guest" and in the Servlet's doGet() method make a call to both
methods, both return the same result.
leads me to the conclusion that all security annotations in SecuredEjb
are rather useless, because the actual authorization happens via the
authentication in the Servlet via @ServletSecurity. Basically this means
I will have to create a separate Servlet for every role and duplicate
code or...
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