Radoslav Husar updated MODCLUSTER-485:
Summary: Move build to Travis CI and create matrix for JDK+Tomcat/AS7 proper
dependencies build (was: Move build to Travis CI and create matrix for JDK/proper Tomcat
Move build to Travis CI and create matrix for JDK+Tomcat/AS7 proper
dependencies build
Project: mod_cluster
Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Radoslav Husar
Assignee: Radoslav Husar
I ran into this while adding support for Tomcat 9.
What the CI should be testing, give the number of JDKs and different container versions
that we support, we should build with respective jdks and versions:
jdk6 + mvn verify -PTC6
jdk7 + mvn verify -PTC7
jdk7 + mvn verify -PAS7
jdk8 + mvn verify -PTC8
jdk7/8 + mvn verify