Michal Karm Babacek created MODCLUSTER-658:
Summary: Implement mod_cluster worker for Undertow embedded and standalone
use case
Project: mod_cluster
Issue Type: Feature Request
Reporter: Michal Karm Babacek
Assignee: Michal Karm Babacek
Priority: Minor
This is a placeholder JIRA for a possible implementation/artifact. It has neither any
formal planning nor priority set and it might not happen at all.
h2. Workers and balancers
Mod_cluster project comprises two kinds of actors: balancers and workers.
h3. Balancers
Currently there are three balancer implementations:
# mod_proxy_cluster module for Apache HTTP Server
# Undertow mod_cluster filter that could be used both in Undertow embedded and in Wildfly
application server
# mod_proxy_cluster Nginx implementation
h3. Workers
There are these worker implementations:
# JBoss AS 5 / mod_cluster.sar worker implementation,
# JBoss AS7 mod_cluster subsystem, {color:orange}*Legacy*{color}
# Wildfly application server, {color:green]*Current*{color}
# Tomcat 6.0/7.0/8.0, {color:orange}*Legacy*{color}
# Tomcat 8.5/9.0, {color:green]*Current*{color}
In addition to those, we would like to see mod_cluster worker login implemented for
additional web servers, such as:
# Jetty
# Go net/http, i.e. Go web servers (mostly for REST APIs)
# Undertow embedded
# Undertow standalone (UNDERTOW-1356)
h3. Undertow worker implementation
There should be a mod_cluster worker library that would enable Undertow, both in its
embedded and standalone (UNDERTOW-1356) flavour to act as a worker, i.e. to report to
another mod_cluster balancer (either httpd, Nginx or another Undertow instance).
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