Transformation code should allow for type conversion as a backup if an explicit
transformation by type name is not defined
Project: SwitchYard
Issue Type: Bug
Components: transformation
Affects Versions: 0.1
Reporter: Len DiMaggio
Follow on to JIRA switchyard-301:
If the work-around to the WSDL issue described in switchyard-301 is used, this error is
then seen when the service is invoked:
<faultstring>Transformations not applied. Required payload type of
'java:java.lang.String'. Actual payload type is
'{}sayHello'. You must define and register a
Transformer to transform between these types.</faultstring>
Note from Keith:
No transformer has been defined, but I think we need to make it easy to accept XML input
as a String in your POJO without defining a transformer. Our transformation code needs to
be tweaked to allow for type conversion as a backup if an explicit transformation by type
name is not defined.
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