Why do not introduce AnnotationInstanceProvider from Solder or Deltaspike?
by fluids liu
With pure cdi api,in every module we have to create the same annotation
literal classes. For example:
In module A,we have an observes method:
public void hundleCommand(@Observes @Named("shell") MyCommand command){...}
In module B and C,we should send event to module A:
Event<MyCommand> event;
public void execute() throws Exception {
event.select(new NamedLiteral("shell")).fire(new MyCommand());
In order to send event,we must define a literal type:
public class NamedLiteral extends AnnotationLiteral<Named> implements
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1457223276475846060L;
private final String value;
public NamedLiteral(String value)
this.value = value;
public NamedLiteral()
value = "";
@Override public String value()
return value;
Why cdi do not define a util class to simplify those as following:
Event<MyCommand> event;
public void execute() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> values=new HashMap<String, String>();
values.put("value", "shell");
Named commandQualifier = AnnotationInstanceProvider.of(Named.class,
event.select(commandQualifier).fire(new MyCommand());
11 years, 11 months