Errai 3.0 -> Master
by Christian Sadilek
Hi everyone,
We've finally swapped branches today. Master was fast forwarded to the latest 3.0 commits and the 3.0 branch was deleted. So, you can all push or send pull request to master now!
That also means we have our CI server back on the active development branch -> more Jenkins spam emails on errai-dev :).
11 years, 11 months
Improving demos and getting started experience
by Christian Sadilek
Hi everyone,
We've started an effort to improve our demos in Errai 3. More specifically we want to
- have a top level demo directory containing all demos
- make every demo a standalone project
- add documentation and getting started guides
- make sure all demos follow the JDF quickstart guidelines
We currently have 17 different demos and 5 archetypes in Errai! Needless to say that this is a huge maintenance burden, especially when adding the above requirements. So, I suggest that we go through these demos and have a quorum on their individual destinies ;). I expect that most of them will survive, but there are definitely some redundancies. We can start in tomorrows Errai hangout.
Here's the list of our demos and features they represent:
- AsyncDemo: MessageBuilder, conversational messages, simple client-server interactions using MessageCallbacks
- StressTest: MessageBuilder, UiBinder, performanc/load testing of Errai Bus.
- ClientService: MessageBuilder, broadcast messages
- HelloWorld: MessageBuilder, conversational messages
- QueryService: RPC using MessageBuilder
- RpcDemo: RPC using Caller<T>
- Serialization: MessageBuilder, conversational messages, Complex type serialization (@Portable types)
- StockDemo: MessageBuilder, broadcast and conversational messages
- CDI mobile demo: CDI events, broadcasts, Qualifiers, JSNI
- MVP demo: MVP pattern using the client-side bean manager
- Stock Demo: CDI events, JSNI interaction with external JS libraries (charting)
- CDI Stress Test: Performance/Load testing using CDI events
- TagCloud: CDI broadcasts and conversational events. JSNI interacting with jQuery.
- Rest Demo: Errai JAXRS support
- JPA demo basic: Errai JPA basic CRUD demo
- Todo List: Errai UI, Data Binding, client-side CDI, JPA
- Grocery List: CDI, JPA, UI, Data Binding, soon Data Sync, Validation, Twitter Bootstrap, Maps, GeoFencing,...
- cdi-quickstart: simple hello world using CDI events
- bus-quickstart: simple hello world using MessageBuilder
- jaxrs-quickstart: simple CRUD demo using Caller<T> and JAX-RS endpoints
- kitchensink: CRUD app based on famous JBoss kitchensink, Errai RPC, bean validation, CDI events
- kitchensink-cordova: same as above but mobile enabled (and support for taking picture)
11 years, 11 months