Custom Templates by Project
by Filipe Névola
Hi, I'm starting with Forge and I would like to know how can I work with
custom templates by project.
Let me try to be more clear, I want to have a project A using AngularJS
Addon with custom templates for my views and a project B using AngularJS
Addon with others custom templates.
The differences won't be only images, styles, etc but will be on the
structure of html also.
My question is: How can I do that? Is there a simple way? Maybe some addon.
Thank you!
*Filipe Névola <https://…
[View More]>*
*Leader of Product Innovation Lab at *Tecsinapse
*Você conhece Jesus? Ainda não? Então busque conhecer pois você não está
aproveitando sua vida como poderia.*
*Jesus disse em João 10:10b - "Eu vim para que tenham vida, e a tenham com
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10 years, 6 months
Running the build on Windows
by Ivan St. Ivanov
Hey everybody,
As we discussed yesterday, a promised to run the build locally on my
Windows computer to see if we have any issues there, fix them and only then
address the failing builds on the build server.
I did that, and I have the following observations:
1) The text addon tests failed, mostly because the patterns that recognize
the different language elements for YAML, Groovy, JavaScript and HTML are
built with the assumption that the end of line character is \n. You know,
on Windows it …
[View More]is \r\n. So there were some tests failures. I decided to fix
them and only then to continue. But after it took me more than two hours
debugging and trying without much progress (fixed only YAML and most of the
Groovy) I gave up. I then cloned the repo with git's autocrlf set to false
and the tests passed. Nevertheless, we should fix these I guess, if we want
our text addon to work on Windows
2) The JavaEE addon failed with a JVM crash (I attached the generated dump
files from the three runs that I did). I tried to run it both as part of
the build of the whole Forge core, as well as individually. In both cases
it failed. I will install a newer version of the JDK and will try again.
That is for the moment from my side. Unfortunately I spent all the time
debugging the text addon, so didn't spend any effort on the JUnit command
and no email for utility methods so far from me.
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10 years, 7 months
IntelliJ Forge plugin pre-release
by Adam Wyłuda
For anyone interested in IntelliJ-Forge integration progress, it is now
possible to test the pre-release version of the plugin.
To install the plugin, go to IntelliJ Settings -> Plugins -> Browse
Repositories and search for JBoss Forge IDEA Plugin. To start interacting
with Forge press Ctrl+Alt+4.
Plugin can be also downloaded from:
I'd be more than happy to hear your feedback!
Adam Wyłuda
10 years, 7 months
Forge meeting minutes - 2014-07-30
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 15:00:59 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 15:01:05)
* JBDS issues status (gastaldi, 15:03:47)
* gastaldi managed to resolve 11 issues so far (gastaldi, 15:04:55)
* when an issue is fixed for QE, put comments about what was
done/changed and if any special steps needed …
[View More]to test (gastaldi,
* the issues in JBIDE and JBDS are our top priority items to fix
(gastaldi, 15:12:33)
* Windows build issues (gastaldi, 15:22:38)
* ACTION: ivannov will run clean build of Forge (furnace + core) on
Windows (ivannov, 15:34:04)
* ACTION: ivannov will run clean build of Forge (furnace + core) on
Windows (gastaldi, 15:34:48)
* To reproduce the build issue, delete
~/.m2/repository/org/jboss/forge and run furnace, furnace-simple,
furnace-cdi and forge/core builds respectively (gastaldi, 15:35:13)
* Roadmap (gastaldi, 15:35:21)
* Cordova Support (gastaldi, 15:42:28)
(gastaldi, 15:49:17)
* Outstanding issues (gastaldi, 15:54:34)
* ACTION: vineetreynolds will release a new version of the AngularJS
addon using Forge 2.7.2.Final (gastaldi, 15:58:55)
Meeting ended at 16:00:10 UTC.
Action Items
* ivannov will run clean build of Forge (furnace + core) on Windows
* ivannov will run clean build of Forge (furnace + core) on Windows
* vineetreynolds will release a new version of the AngularJS addon using
Forge 2.7.2.Final
Action Items, by person
* ivannov
* ivannov will run clean build of Forge (furnace + core) on Windows
* ivannov will run clean build of Forge (furnace + core) on Windows
* vineetreynolds
* vineetreynolds will release a new version of the AngularJS addon
using Forge 2.7.2.Final
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (87)
* vineetreynolds (44)
* ivannov (18)
* jbossbot (13)
* maxandersen (10)
* jbott (10)
* koentsje (2)
* adamw_ (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
[View Less]
10 years, 7 months
Forge Meeting minutes 2014-07-09
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 15:02:08 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 15:03:15)
* JBT status (gastaldi, 15:04:38)
* gastaldi will work on FORGE-1802 (gastaldi, 15:13:32)
* LINK: (lincolnthree,
* They thought JBIDE-17700 was a possible …
[View More]forge issue, but I don't
think it is. (lincolnthree, 15:15:57)
* Roadmap (gastaldi, 15:17:14)
* Forge 2.7.1.Final is targeted to be released on July, 15th, but I
guess we need to postpone until we have more fixed issues
(gastaldi, 15:18:06)
(gastaldi, 15:21:36)
* Documentation (a.k.a website) (gastaldi, 15:42:22)
* the website should display the news in the front page (or/and have a
news section). (gastaldi, 15:57:10)
* maybe ^^ (lincolnthree, 15:59:31)
Meeting ended at 16:05:03 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (71)
* lincolnthree (48)
* agoncal (20)
* jbossbot (14)
* koentsje (11)
* jbott (7)
* rajmahen_ (6)
* rajmahendra (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
[View Less]
10 years, 8 months
Re: [forge-dev] Forge and Camel Archetypes
by Grzegorz Grzybek
Finally I have time to start the discussion about the use of Maven
Archetypes in both JBoss Fuse and JBoss Fabric.
Here are the links to relevant issues:
Currently we have (here:
a helper which can unpack maven archetype and correctly replace ${VAR}
variables in archetype resources.
Let's first say what we …
[View More]want to achieve. I'd say (please provide
comments if I misunderstood something):
- to be able to unpack any Maven Archetype JAR and create working
("mvn clean install"able) project in FileSystem *without* using Maven
archetype-related libraries
- to be able to replace variables in archetype resources
- to be able to evaluate Velocity expressions (they may be present in
the archetypes)
- to be able to read list of available archetypes
- to be able to discover available archetypes and create the above
list (explicit distinction to free ourselves from finding the archetypes
in M2_REPO each time)
- to be able to discover archetype parameters (this is the main goal -
to make something more user/tab-completion friendly than "mvn
archetype:create" with millions of options)
- to provide commands (Karaf/Gogo or JBoss Forge) for project creation
- to ask users (GUI? Console? for required archetype:create
OK. I'd like to start a project ( or or or - any suggestions?) which will do most of
the above and will be a foundation of:
- karaf/fabric command
- Forge addon(?)
Any suggestions?
Grzegorz Grzybek
> That sounds good. Please post to forge-dev(a)
> <> when you want help getting this
> rolling!
> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 9:10 AM, James Strachan <jstracha(a)
> <>> wrote:
> Hey :)
> The scala code is ported to Java now; why don’t we get the little
> ‘project creator’ command in fabric8 working; then when its there,
> we could post it to the forge list to see about
> including/sharing/reusing the same stuff there too?
> On 21 May 2014, at 12:33, Grzegorz Grzybek <ggrzybek(a)
> <>> wrote:
>> Hello - sorry I couldn't start the discussion... But I still
>> remember that it's quite important ;)
>> regards
>> Grzegorz Grzybek
>>> I think that sounds like a good idea. If we can consume this as
>>> a library, it would make things very easy to implement. It would
>>> also probably give you guys a migration path so you don't
>>> immediately have to jump to Forge on drop 0.
>>> Forge has a number of ways of locating resources, we can come up
>>> with a nice pattern for this :)
>>> Shall we move this discussion to forge-dev(a)
>>> <> or #forge on
>>> <> and get started?
>>> ~Lincoln
>>> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 3:13 AM, James Strachan
>>> <jstracha(a) <>> wrote:
>>> Yeah, we might wanna polish the archetype generator code
>>> into its own jar/bundle thats got minimal dependencies & is
>>> easier to use stand alone (so it could be more easily
>>> consumed from inside Forge).
>>> For the ‘create project’ command/plugin I figured we’d
>>> discover the available archetypes on the classpath somehow;
>>> in Fuse IDE (the Fuse/Camel plugins now in JBDS) we just did
>>> a bit of code generation to put the archetype jars inside
>>> the plugin. Something a bit more extensible, eventually,
>>> might be nice for Forge; though for fabric8 just having a
>>> curated list of archetypes from the fabric8 project itself
>>> will be fine for us for a while ;)
>>> On 15 May 2014, at 08:03, Grzegorz Grzybek
>>> <ggrzybek(a) <>> wrote:
>>>> Hello!
>>>>> Awesome, thanks Grzegorz!
>>>>> BTW a bit of background for you, sorry I should have said
>>>>> - there’s been discussions in the past of adding a nice
>>>>> ability to create new projects from archetypes nicely into
>>>>> JBoss Forge:
>>>>> the mvn command line to generate archetypes isn’t awesome
>>>>> ;) and we could curate a nice default set with
>>>>> auto-completion of all the known jboss archetypes from our
>>>>> projects (and maybe have a nice little way to filter them
>>>>> by tag/project name/tech etc) with tab completion etc
>>>> Thanks for links - so another item on my TODO list ;)
>>>> I'll think about how to make it easier both for Forge and
>>>> commands inside Fabric8.
>>>> regards
>>>> Grzegorz
>>>>> On 15 May 2014, at 07:55, Grzegorz Grzybek
>>>>> <ggrzybek(a) <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello!
>>>>>> I successfully ported insight-maven stuff from Scala
>>>>>> (it's Maven's Aether concept to deal with repositories).
>>>>>> But now I'm 30% in camel-tooling-util. Scala is not
>>>>>> really needed here and I see it has much more cons than pros!
>>>>>> I know that for Scala ninjas this language is the
>>>>>> ultimate expression tool, but reading it after few years
>>>>>> is not such a Zen experience after all.
>>>>>> As someone said - Java8 is the new Java, not Scala. Of
>>>>>> course I don't want to rewrite all this code into
>>>>>> lambda-spaghetti, but good old Java6 syntax is enough :)
>>>>>> And after porting camel-tooling-util back to Java, I'll
>>>>>> look at
>>>>>> which is about making creating projects from archetypes
>>>>>> much easier.
>>>>>> regards
>>>>>> Grzegorz
>>>>>>> Cool; wanna CC Grzegorz and myself?; am hoping at some
>>>>>>> point Grzegorz gets the chance to port the existing
>>>>>>> Archetype creation code from scala to java so its a
>>>>>>> little leaner & meaner and easier to reuse in Forge.
>>>>>>> On 14 May 2014, at 20:31, Lincoln Baxter, III
>>>>>>> <lincolnbaxter(a)
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Okay cool. We'll continue to go down the archetype
>>>>>>>> route and see if we can get that working for you guys.
>>>>>>>> It would help if we had someone on your team who could
>>>>>>>> take point on this so we can assist. Is that possible?
>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 3:29 PM, James Strachan
>>>>>>>> <jstracha(a) <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ah yeah - just chatted to Dave; this is some gem
>>>>>>>> based stuff for generating projects from templates;
>>>>>>>> which is cool too. We went the maven archetype
>>>>>>>> direction in Fuse IDE (now the Fuse / Camel tooling
>>>>>>>> in JBDS) and now have lots of archetypes (both on
>>>>>>>> upstream projects like camel & cxf and in JBoss
>>>>>>>> Fuse); so I’m personally more keen to support
>>>>>>>> archetypes ASAP; but the more tooling and options
>>>>>>>> the better! :)
>>>>>>>> On 14 May 2014, at 17:58, Lincoln Baxter, III
>>>>>>>> <lincolnbaxter(a)
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Also just got contacted by some people from GSS
>>>>>>>>> who are working on fusegen and want to merge that
>>>>>>>>> into Forge. Do you know anything about that?
>>>>>>>>> Wai Chun Hoi, and Dave Stanley.
>>>>>>>>> ~Lincoln
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:50 AM, James Strachan
>>>>>>>>> <jstracha(a) <>>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Sounds cool; am around until about 2-3pm I
>>>>>>>>> think so late morning sounds cool.
>>>>>>>>> FWIW we added an archetype generator a while
>>>>>>>>> back into eclipse so it was easy for folks to
>>>>>>>>> start projects & we pre-baked all our
>>>>>>>>> camel/fuse archetypes - as using the maven
>>>>>>>>> archetype:generate command line is so utterly
>>>>>>>>> awful.
>>>>>>>>> Here’s the code to create an archetype from
>>>>>>>>> the mvn coordinates of the archetype distro:
>>>>>>>>> e.g. here’s a test case that creates a bunch
>>>>>>>>> of archetypes - no maven is required etc:
>>>>>>>>> I was hoping we could cobble something like
>>>>>>>>> this into a standard command; then have nice
>>>>>>>>> tab completion on the list of archetypes we
>>>>>>>>> ship by default in Forge which groks all the
>>>>>>>>> jboss / fuse / apache archetypes we want to
>>>>>>>>> prime it with; and make it easy for folks to
>>>>>>>>> add/load/configure others. e.g. JBoss Fuse
>>>>>>>>> ships with a bunch of archetypes (but they are
>>>>>>>>> not sync’d to maven central); so it’d be nice
>>>>>>>>> if all jboss products that have archetypes
>>>>>>>>> were baked into Forge (e.g. EAP / Fuse / Fuse
>>>>>>>>> Service Works / BRMS etc).
>>>>>>>>> Hope that helps - would love to port the code
>>>>>>>>> to plain java ;) but I guess whats another
>>>>>>>>> massive jar dependency on spring-library
>>>>>>>>> between friends ;)
>>>>>>>>> Anyway - hope to see you around this morning.
>>>>>>>>> Go Errai! :)
>>>>>>>>> On 16 Apr 2014, at 02:52, Lincoln Baxter, III
>>>>>>>>> <lincolnbaxter(a)
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Let's talk about this tomorrow (today.) I'll
>>>>>>>>>> be over at the conference in the late
>>>>>>>>>> morning. And I'll be at the hack-fest.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> "Simpler is better."
>>>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>>>> Red Hat
>>>>>>>>> Email: jstracha(a)
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> Web:
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> Twitter: jstrachan, fusenews
>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>> Open Source Integration
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> "Simpler is better."
>>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>>> Red Hat
>>>>>>>> Twitter: @jstrachan
>>>>>>>> Email: jstracha(a) <>
>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>> hawtio: http:/ <>/
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> fabric8: http:/
>>>>>>>> <>/
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> Open Source Integration
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> "Simpler is better."
>>>>>>> James
>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>> Red Hat
>>>>>>> Twitter: @jstrachan
>>>>>>> Email: jstracha(a) <>
>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>> hawtio: http:/ <>/
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> fabric8: http:/ <>/
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Open Source Integration
>>>>> James
>>>>> -------
>>>>> Red Hat
>>>>> Twitter: @jstrachan
>>>>> Email: jstracha(a) <>
>>>>> Blog:
>>>>> hawtio: http:/ <>/
>>>>> <>
>>>>> fabric8: http:/ <>/
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Open Source Integration
>>> James
>>> -------
>>> Red Hat
>>> Twitter: @jstrachan
>>> Email: jstracha(a) <>
>>> Blog:
>>> hawtio: http:/ <>/
>>> <>
>>> fabric8: http:/ <>/
>>> <>
>>> Open Source Integration
>>> --
>>> Lincoln Baxter, III
>>> <>
>>> "Simpler is better."
> James
> -------
> Red Hat
> Twitter: @jstrachan
> Email: jstracha(a) <>
> Blog:
> hawtio: http:/ <>/ <>
> fabric8: http:/ <>/
> <>
> Open Source Integration
> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> "Simpler is better."
[View Less]
10 years, 8 months