#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:00:51 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:01:10)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:03:41)
* The website is a priority, but slides for the upcoming conferences
are too :) (gastaldi, 14:04:17)
* In the next weeks I'll have 2 talks on CDI+Forge, and one talk on
Forge only (agoncal, 14:06:28)
* I'll have a talk about CDI 2.0 next week (gastaldi, 14:06:47)
* Website is still priority #1 :) (lincolnthree, 14:07:48)
* The last lecture in the Sofia University about Java EE will
summarize everything by showing showing Forge. As always in the last
4 years (ivannov, 14:09:31)
* the Website is almost done, still need to re-structure the docs YAML
and fix some layout issues (gastaldi, 14:14:04)
* I will add Github issues to the website with the remaining tasks, in
case someone wants to help me :) (gastaldi, 14:19:35)
* Stacks support (gastaldi, 14:20:20)
* we'll keep the JIRA open and each one brings some thoughts till it's
clearer (gastaldi, 14:38:51)
* Wildfly Swarm support (gastaldi1, 14:39:26)
https://github.com/forge/furnace-cdi/pull/7 (gastaldi,
* Status report (gastaldi, 15:14:53)
* I am split working in the slides, in the website and fixing Forge
JIRAs (gastaldi, 15:15:41)
* I am starting to work on slides soon, still working on windup slides
first (lincolnthree, 15:16:59)
https://github.com/jeffknupp/sandman (gastaldi, 15:33:23)
Meeting ended at 15:36:35 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (88)
* agoncal (57)
* vineetreynolds (38)
* ivannov (20)
* lincolnthree (19)
* jbossbot (11)
* jbott (10)
* maxandersen (5)
* gastaldi1 (2)
* gastaldi2 (1)
* koentsje (0)
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